Proficiency and attitude of criminology students in Trigonometry in select Philippine higher education institution

Ritchie F. Balandra
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
Corresponding Email:  [email protected]

The study aimed to determine the relationship between the attitude and level of proficiency in Trigonometry among criminology students in select Higher Education Institution (HEI) in the Philippines. Descriptive-correlational design was used in this study. The modified Sherman-Fennema Attitude Scale was used to determine the attitude of the respondents while mean, t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the level of proficiency in Trigonometry. Findings revealed that the level of proficiency of the criminology students when taken as a whole and grouped according to sex and type of school graduated from high school is High. Interestingly, when they are grouped according to their achievement status, it shows that respondents who are achievers were Very High proficiency, while the average and low achievers is in High and Low respectively. Moreover, criminology students had a Moderate positive attitude towards Trigonometry. Furthermore, there was no significant differences in the level of proficiency in Trigonometry of the criminology students when grouped according to sex and type of school graduated. However, differences were noted when they are grouped according to their status of achievement. Considering their attitudes, no significant differences were also noted when criminology students were grouped according to sex, type of school graduated during high school and status of achievement.

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