Academic dishonesty cheating in synchronous and asynchronous classes: A proctored examination intervention

Homer T. Alvarez, Reynald S. Dayrit, Maria Crisella A. Dela Cruz, Clariza C. Jocson, Renzo T. Mendoza, Ariel V. Reyes, Joyce Niña N. Salas
Pampanga State Agricultural University
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

In time of pandemic, synchronous and asynchronous learning occurred as a form of distance learning implemented by the Commission on Higher Education and the Department of Education. This research entitled “Academic Dishonesty Cheating in Synchronous and Asynchronous Classes: A Proctored Examination Intervention” was conducted to identify the self-report and types of assessment stated by the respondents. It also determined the effectiveness of proctored synchronous and asynchronous examination in preventing the cheating practices of students. The researchers used a quantitative research design and three adapted questionnaires with 40 participants. The results generated from the questionnaires were analyzed using frequency, percentage, and Mann-Whitney U test. The results obtained the following: most students cheated on assignments, exams, or quizzes; the primary reasons for student dishonesty were stress and worry essentially, and homework was the kind of evaluation that enabled pupils to cheat. Proctored exams provide similar results regardless of whether the exams were conducted asynchronously or synchronously. The following findings on the impact of proctored synchronous and asynchronous exams on students revealed that: most students will be less likely to cheat in a proctored examination. Most of the students believed that these proctored examinations would be a good solution in monitoring remote learning. Therefore, proctored synchronous and asynchronous examinations prevent the academic dishonesty or cheating practices of students.

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