Analyses on three-wheeled vehicles in relation to congestion: A case study in Bishoftu City, Ethiopia

Tenna Tesfaye Abebe, Mekete Deresso Garuno
Assosa University, Ethiopia
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

Transportation engineering aims at creating the best route between two locations within three considerations: safety, time, and cost. Drivers’ behavior on roads is one of the main concerns for any traffic engineer for its effect on safety. The main objective of this topic was to investigate the impacts of Bajaj (three-wheeled vehicles) driving behavior on traffic flow and safety. The study area is located in Bishoftu City. Data were collected from a survey questionnaire, where the number distributed questionnaire was 600. The main causes of bad driving habits related to Bajaj drivers are the experience of the drivers, age of the drivers (younger drivers), low quality of license giver agencies, and road types (common road) with other vehicles. Its results were about 95% of traffic congestion caused after accidents occur at road segment rather than traffic volume occupation. This indicates that from 85% to 95% of traffic congestion was caused due to driver’s wrong driving behavior habits.

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