Understanding determinants of cloud computing adoption: A review of technology adoption models

Aminu Adamu Ahmed, Alhaji Adamu Saidu
Federal Polytechnic Kaltungo, Gombe, Nigeria,
Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic Bauchi, Nigeria,
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

The adoption and usage of cloud computing have become a competitive weapon for achieving organizational or business sustainability and maintaining a strategic position in a marketplace or in the eyes of its clients, even though it has been facing various impediments as a result of inadequate understanding of appropriate models to be applied and the users’ perception of CCA. Consequently, this study aims to investigate and analyze the current state of the literature on cloud computing adoption (CCA) with various technology adoption models in different areas. However, inappropriate models could not explain the factors determining the adoption determinants and little research attention has been paid to the adoption of cloud computing. For this reason, a systematic literature review (SLR) with a total of 204 and 40 (samples) articles were employed. The four. The findings of the study revealed that the TOE was the most adopted adoption model, followed by the DOI model. This study also identified 23 determinants of CCA that have been extracted from these four models as significant factors determining the adoption of cloud computing. Out of these determinants, security and privacy (SP) were found as the most dominant factors influencing CCA. SME is the major area where CCA has been used, especially from the year 2015 to 2020. There is a need to invest more in ICT in other sectors of the economy.

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