Improving the level of speaking skill through FRET Strategy

Chris Vincent Eimreh C. Monis, Christian C. Gandeza
Corresponding email: [email protected]


The research centers on the effectiveness of the FRET Strategy as an intervention in the development of the speaking skill at DFLOMNHS – SHS whereas HUMSS 11-D students’ struggles on speaking English language during their Oral Communication class. Hence, this can negatively impact their performance in class. To determine the students’ level of speaking skill, the researcher used mixed method of research, specifically focusing on Grade 11 HUMSS D Students enrolled in the SY 2023-2024. The researcher used the validated researcher-made pretest and post-test rubric to collect the data needed in order to answer the specific problems of this study whereas the results showed that the students obtained a mean score of 10.15 in the pre-test interpreted as Below Basic and 14.99 in the posttest interpreted as Basic using statistical treatment and thematic analysis. These findings highlight the effectiveness of FRET Strategy in improving the speaking skill and stress the emergence of implementing the conceptual model in using FRET Strategy dubbed as FILL. Furthermore, it provides valuable insights into the ongoing discourse on language anxiety and how it impacts language acquisition in educational settings.

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