The effect of employee green involvement, green motivation, and green behavior on green business performance in textile companies in Indonesia

Muhammad Prastyo Susanto, Asep Rokhyadi Permana Saputra, Achmad Farid Firsalam, Aminah Nur Rahmah
Corresponding email: [email protected]


Green behavior is a behavior and effort to save the earth and the environment from the threat of damage. This effort is a concrete manifestation and responsibility that the company must also be aware of, as a positive contribution of the company and its employees to sustainable development. The concept of green behavior involves the involvement of environmentally friendly employees and environmentally friendly motivation to form environmentally friendly behavior to achieve environmentally friendly business performance. This research aims to analyze the influence of Employee Green Involvement, Green Motivation, and Green Behavior on Green Business Performance in the textile industry in Indonesia. To achieve the objectives of this research, a research method was carried out using an inferential analysis approach, with a sample of 378 respondents using a random sampling method, cluster sampling technique, and sampling using Google Form. Questionnaires are measured using a 5-point likert scale. The analysis tool, inner model uses convergent and discriminant validity tests. Outer model with reliability tests using Cronbah’s Alpha and Composite Reliability, and goodness-offit to see the fit of the model, all using structural equation models (SEM) with SmartPLS version 4. The research results show that Employee Green Involvement has no effect on Green Business Performance, while Green Motivation and Green Behavior have a positive effect on Green Business Performance.

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