Instructional leadership for information and communication technology towards the development of a strategic plan for ICT

Riza R. Noceto
San Joaquin – Kalawaan High School, Philippines
[email protected]

This study aims to ascertain the instructional leadership for ICT among leaders and teachers in the division of Pasig City. The researcher employed mixed convergence – quantitative and qualitative methods. There were 321 teachers and 10 principals that served as respondents. In the qualitative method, 10 subjects served as informants. Triangulation was used, in which both quantitative and qualitative data are gleaned at about the same time and are given equal significance.  The findings revealed that fully practiced inferred the extent of the practice of instructional leadership for ICT in terms of digital practice, ICT maturity, assessment, and roles with ICT, while mostly practiced leadership for collaboration. However, there is a significant difference in the extent of the practice of instructional leadership for ICT except on the assessment and roles with ICT. Transformational leadership style is espoused by the instructional leaders for ICT in the Division of Pasig. Moreover, there was a strong positive correlation between the leadership styles and the extent of the practice of instructional leadership for ICT. On the other hand, it was determined that lack of funds to provide adequate access to the internet connection to successfully integrate ICT in teaching & learning, lack of relevant and effective training to facilitate utilization of ICT and lack of ICT learning resources are the challenges emerged in the instructional leadership for ICT. It was concluded the formation of ICT teams to delegate responsibilities and give technical assistance in handling ICT matters and the collaboration in leading, sharing, and improving ICT expertise through LAC sessions and actual training are best practices concerning instructional leadership for ICT. Furthermore, a strategic plan has been proposed which contains the area of emphasis based on the results of the study.

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Migration from private to public institutions: A phenomenological study on transitional challenges from teachers’ viewpoints

Nepthalie J. Gonzales
Philippine Normal University, Manila, Philippines
[email protected]

The migration of teachers from private schools to public schools is inevitable. The study described the transitional challenges experienced by the teachers as they migrated from teaching in private to public institutions. This study utilized the qualitative approach in collecting data, specifically, a Phenomenology methodology that influenced the research process that describes the lived experienced the seven (7) migrant teachers. The 7 teachers taught in private schools for a minimum of five (5) years before migrating to public schools. An in-depth interview guided by an aide-memoire was used to evoke the translational challenges experienced by the teachers. The analysis revealed the three themes emerged that generally describe the experiences of migrated teachers, these are STOP: an unapproachable step to colleagues, LOOK: the scarcity of the facilities in the school environment, and LISTEN: a walk the talk approach of the principal. Given the findings, the recommendation was anchored to the ideal circumstances of the migrated teachers in terms of colleagues, school environment, and principal.

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