Backyard swine production in Northern Negros: Demographics, management, and issues

Jemadel C. Gallardo, Mitchelyn B. Morada, Chiremy T. Pillones
Corresponding email: [email protected]


The main objective of this research is determination of the situation of backyard swine production in northern Negros by describing the socio[1]demographic characteristics of backyard swine raisers in the said area; identifying the management practices they employed and the common issues they encountered in backyard swine production. A survey was conducted in the three cities and municipalities in the 2nd district of Negros Occidental which include Sagay, Cadiz, and Manapla from January to March 2022. Utilizing a questionnaire, a total of 339 respondents were interviewed on different aspects of socio-demographics, management practices, and issues confronted in backyard swine production. The data were analyzed and interpreted using the frequencies and percentages through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). In the aspect of socio-demographic profile, the majority of the backyard swine raisers in the 2nd district of Negros Occidental were females, were primarily housewives, and have not attended any seminar or training related to swine raising. In terms of their management practices, the majority provide commercial feeds, provide concrete housing, and practice vitamin-mineral supplementation. The majority preferred to raise fattening pigs and those who practiced breeding preferred natural mating in breeding the sow. Respondents also indicated that scours is the primary cause of piglet mortality and the respiratory problem is the leading disease observed in growing and adult pigs. The major constraints faced by the respondents include expensive commercial feeds, the low market value of pigs, and the lack of sure buyers at the time of harvest, which often resulted in no profit. Despite the problems encountered, most backyard swine raisers manage to find alternative solutions to these problems to sustain production.

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To the mind, heart, and will: Unravelling the appeals of Pope Francis’ pandemic homilies

Henry E. Lemana II
[email protected]


Homilies serve a crucial role in challenging, informing, directing, and inspiring congregations, especially during times of crisis. This study focuses on unravelling the appeals used by Pope Francis in 10 randomly selected homilies delivered amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings reveal that Pope Francis utilizes three key appeals in his homilies. Firstly, he appeals to the mind by presenting ideas in a coherent and logical progression, incorporating examples and visual imagery to enhance comprehension. Secondly, he appeals to the heart by using literary devices, relatable language, and a deep understanding of the audience’s needs to evoke emotions and provide comfort and encouragement. Lastly, he appeals to the will by urging his listeners to take action, promoting concrete steps to help others and alleviate suffering. Overall, Pope Francis employs these appeals to engage, inspire, and empower his audience in their spiritual journey. The study demonstrates that employing appeals, particularly in the context of a preacher like Pope Francis, is a persuasive and potent approach to engaging the intellect, stirring emotions, and inspiring action. Furthermore, this linguistic investigation highlights the significance of appeals in enhancing the profoundness of homilies, providing valuable insights into homiletics and linguistics. It establishes a foundation for further exploration at the intersection of religious discourse and linguistic analysis, offering the potential for new perspectives and methodologies in the examination of homilies.

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