Regenesis and revelation of the novel profession: Lived experiences of second-career teachers

Jewel A. Oliveros, Ramon Clemente Martin F. Lachica
Corresponding email: [email protected]


This study explored the lived experiences of second-career teachers in relation to their new professional roles and responsibilities in the public secondary schools. Using a qualitative methodology, specifically the phenomenological approach, the data were gathered from 10 participants through an in-depth interview. The participants were purposively selected with the inclusion criteria that the participants must be regularpermanent teachers, have taught in the division for at least two years, previously undertaken a degree in a field outside of education, and employed in a profession unrelated to education. The data were recorded, transcribed, validated, and analyzed using Creswell’s method of analyzing lived experiences. This data revealed four themes, namely: (1.) impetus for career shift, (2.) the hurdles of teaching, (3.) overcoming public school realities, and (4.) the gift of public school teaching. The impetus for career shift includes two subthemes namely: (a.) influence of significant others and (b.) the lure of better pay and privileges. The theme hurdles of teaching include four subthemes namely: (a.) struggling with the basics, (b.) dealing with changing behavior in changing times, (c.) the dearth of learning support in the public school and (d.) overwhelming clerical work. Overcoming public school realities include three subthemes: (a.) gaining wisdom from the older one, (b.) shelling-out of personal resources, and (c.) tapping first career experience. Lastly, the gift of public school teaching is a theme that describes the satisfaction and fulfillment of second-career teachers in public school teaching. Recommendations point to the need of implementing policies and practices and providing support for second career teachers’ professional development.

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