Growth, survival, and physical qualities of Mangrove Crab (Scylla olivacea) in a net cage with different size and embedding depth

Zaldy O. Dequito
[email protected]


This experiment was done to see the results of rearing Scylla olivacea crabs in cages of different size and embedding depth. The variables under considerations in the assessment were growth and survival rates and physical qualities of the experimental crabs. Additionally, this research aims to find out if the tested methods of confinement could produce better than the conventional culture practices. Three sizes of experimental cages such (45cm-l X45cm-w X60cm-h), (61.0cm-l X61.0 cm-w X75cm-h), and (76cm-l X76cm-w X90cm-h) and three embedding depths such as (30 cm), (45 cm), and (60 cm) labelled as treatment 1, treatment 2 and treatment 3 were tested. On the basis of cage size, highest mean on growth and survival rates of 279 grams and 88.90 % were obtained in treatment 3 followed by treatment 2 with 274.20 grams and 86.40 % and lowest mean of 269.31 grams and 82.25% was obtained from treatment 1. When assessed based on embedding depth highest growth and survival rates of 276.31 and 88.99% were obtained from treatment 3 followed by treatment 2 with 273.81 grams and 87.40% and treatment 1 with 272.71 grams and 81.25% being the lowest. Findings revealed that growth and survival rates obtained from three different cage sizes and three different embedding depths tested were relatively higher than that of what had been recorded and published. It was further noted that survival rates obtained were within the range (80-100%) considered as ideal. Growth and survival rates attained by different treatments were not significantly different. There were also no interaction effects attributed by size and embedding depth of experimental cages. Physical attributes of harvested mangrove crabs that were assessed based on the completeness of appendages, meat content, meat color, odor and taste were all at the mean value described as excellent. It is concluded that the methods of rearing tested improves growth, survival rates and mud crab physical qualities.

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