Elementary teachers’ experiences and instructional challenges during the return to school after the COVID-19 closure in the Philippines

Potchong M. Jackaria
Teacher-II, Tandubato Primary School, Tawi-Tawi, Philippines
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

As education started to recover from the impact of COVID-19, the Philippine Department of Education began to roll out pilot face-to-face classes. Hence, there is a need to explore teachers’ experiences regarding the preparations and challenges encountered during the reopening of classes after the COVID-19 closures. Specifically, this study explored teachers’ preparation and instructional challenges encountered during the first few weeks of reopening of classes. The study utilized a phenomenological research approach. Seven public elementary school teachers involved in the pilot face-to-face classes were purposively selected for the one-on-one interview. Each interview lasted for about 30-minutes and was tape-recorded. The researcher also conducted classroom visitations to understand better the context of the teachers’ responses. Data were then transcribed, translated, and analysed using a thematic analysis technique. The result shows that five themes emerged pertaining to teachers’ preparation for the reopening of classes. These include establishing health protocols, school physical improvements, instructional materials development, psychosocial preparation, and acquiring new teaching strategies. As for the instructional challenges encountered, the teachers expressed concern about the alarming number of non-readers and students who are mentally and socially unprepared. Other challenges include the difficulty of maintaining health protocols, the need for new teaching strategies, and challenges with time management. The findings suggest that comprehensive reading intervention and psychosocial first aid programs should be part of the school reopening strategy. Furthermore, the researcher recommends that teachers should be trained to handle students during the post-pandemic era.

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Emergency remote teaching experience: Challenges, actions and suggested measures of STEM research teachers in Pangasinan Philippines

Mark Angelbert B. Dulay, Shielmyn Kate J. Manuel
Tayug National High School, Pangasinan, Philippines
Daniel Maramaba Memorial National High School, Pangasinan, Philippines
Corresponding email: [email protected]

The Department of Education (DepEd) resorts to using Self-Learning Modules (SLM) with the alternative learning delivery modalities for various types of learners across the Philippines. This sudden change in the methodology of teaching is commonly known as Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). Emergency Remote Teaching is a shift of delivering lessons due to crisis. This phenomenological qualitative research aims to determine the experiences of STEM Research teachers during Emergency Remote Teaching. On this premise, a phenomenological research design was conducted among the STEM Research teacher of Pangasinan Province, Philippines. The researchers seek information on the difficulties encountered, actions taken, and suggested measures of the STEM research teachers using an interview method. The participants were selected by the researchers via purposive convenience sampling since the study was conducted in the middle of a pandemic. Interview questions were done online and phone calls upon the availability of the respondents. The data were interpreted and analyzed after participants shared their experiences as research teachers at the time of the pandemic. The results reveal the following statements. The student’s struggle of understanding the lesson and delivery of instruction is the main difficulties experienced by the respondent-teachers. This is supported by technical difficulties and struggle in monitoring and evaluation. The actions taken by the teacher-respondents to address this were constant and use of different modes of communication. This includes individual consultation and the use of blended learning. The research teachers suggested measures for the stakeholders are the organization of training and creating unified learning materials. While the teacher-respondents also suggested stakeholders’ investment in scientific research.

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