Shelf life of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in different post-harvest treatments

Justine V. Gemida, Roniel A. ArdeƱa, Chiremy T. Pillones
Corresponding Email: [email protected]


This study was carried out in order to evaluate the tomato’s (Solanum lycopersicum) shelf life in different postharvest treatments in terms of color, firmness, percent weight loss, and percent weight of tomato. Study result would help farmers to adopt alternative techniques to protect and extend the shelf life of tomato. Four treatments were applied: t0- tap water treatment (control); t1- hot water treatment; t2- UV-C light treatment; and t3- seaweed treatment. Five (5) times each of these treatments were replicated in a completely randomized design (CRD). Data were collected, tabulated, and subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using the Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research (STAR). Comparison among means made at a 5% level of significance using Tukey’s Honest Significance Difference (HSD). Seaweed treatment at 3% concentration, hot water treatment for 20 minutes, and UV-C light treatment for 20 minutes had the same effect but significantly maximized the shelf life of tomatoes than tap water treatment during 30 days of storage, seaweed treatment at 3% concentration significantly delays the color of the shelf life of tomatoes among treatments during 30 days of storage, seaweed treatment is significantly firmer than the tap water treatment but is comparable to UV-C light treatment and hot water treatment. Thus, seaweed treatment, UV-C light treatment, and Hot water treatment have the same effect on the firmness of the shelf life of tomatoes in storing 30 days; seaweed treatment at 3% concentration is significantly lowest in percent weight loss than tap water and hot water treatment but is comparable to UV-C light treatment in storing 30 days. As a result, both UV-C light and seaweed treatments have the similar effects on tomato weight loss. Both may thereby lessen tomato weight loss during storage.

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