Immediate supervisor’s satisfaction on teaching competence of teachers product by one state college in Western Visayas Philippines

Soceline N. Batisla-ong
Iloilo State College of Fisheries-Dingle Campus, Philippines
Corresponding Email:[email protected]

Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the Philippines are focusing on graduates employability. The immediate supervisors’ demand is very high as they look for graduates who are flexible, willingness to learn the job, technically competent, and committed to excellence. Thus, this study was conducted to determine immediate supervisors’ satisfaction on teaching competence of teachers produced by one State College in Western Visayas. The descriptive-quantitative research design with a standardized research instruments was employed. Since there were a total of 48 graduates in the year 2002-2019 the researcher decided to take them all as respondents. Frequency count, percentage, and mean were used in the descriptive statistical test and Mann-Whitney and Kruskall Wallis analysis for differences in the immediate supervisors’ satisfaction and teachers teaching competence level. Results revealed that respondents’ instructional skills, personal and social qualities were rated as “Surpasses Expectations” and “Very Satisfactory” in teaching competence. Moreover, it was found out there is no significant difference in the immediate supervisors’ satisfaction and on the teaching competence of teachers as to program, position, and number of years in teaching. Notably, results exclaimed that one of the college in Western Visayas is producing graduates who are viable to the academic institution where they teach. Furthermore, the school should not remain complacent considering the fast-changing advancement in the educational arena. Thus, the school administration and the dean of the college of education should closely monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of the varied teaching strategies used by teachers ensuring that it enhance students’ communication, creativeness, and critical thinking skills.

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Relationship of customers’ satisfaction and loyalty on Shariah-compliant hotel in Shah Alam Malaysia

Ahmad Pitra, Ahmad Albattat
Jakarta Global University, Indonesia
Management and Science University, Malaysia
Corresponding email: [email protected]

Along with the development of a business hotel in Malaysia, which makes it an effort to improve customer satisfaction factor. Malaysia is the one of Target Islamic Tourism with total number of visitors are from various countries such as Indonesia, Brunei, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Arab and other Middle Eastern countries. Moreover, it will lead to a new innovation in the hospitality industry in the concept of Shariah-Compliant Hotel (SCH). Malaysia is the one of the largest Muslim population that has a good opportunity for developing new innovative market of Islamic hotel. Shah Alam has two hotels that were implementing Shariah-Compliant Hotel concept (SCH) such as Grand Bluewave hotel & Depalma Ampang hotel. Therefore, this research was used simple random sampling method with a total sample of 207 respondents to be answered 52 statements or questions in the form of surveys. Through this study, we will emphasize on factors that support customer satisfaction such as facilities, restaurants, grooming staff and building design. Overall, all variables, received a better response from respondents, more than four (4, Agree). Therefore, these four variables are crucial to the satisfaction of customers who will maintain service quality that can affect to customer loyalty

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Examining destination image and Muslim tourists’ behavioral intention using the theory of planned behavior

Shazra Ibrahim, Ahmad Albattat, Ali Khatibi
Post Graduate Centre, Management and Science University, Malaysia
Corresponding email: [email protected]

Destination image has been empirically proven to have a significant influence on the behavioral intention of tourists, while limited studies have been done to explore the relationship between destination image and behavioral intention of a Muslim tourist when visiting a destination. Empirical studies highlight the importance of a positive destination image on the behavioral intention of a Muslim tourist. The primary purpose of this study is to explain the relationship between destination image and behavioral intention with the aid of the theory of planned behavior in the context of Asia and empirical evidence is extracted from various studies conducted in Asian countries. Attracting more Muslim tourists has been a challenge for various countries and while so, the concept of halal tourism has been recently recognized in academia, is in need of research to study the gaps and challenges faced when increasing the number of Muslim tourists in the world. This study highlights the link between destination image and intention to travel of tourists and hence this paper provides a theoretical overview of the Theory of planned behavior and its application to the destination image and behavioral intention of Muslim tourists. Data was gathered from numerous literature compiled by various researchers. Empirical studies conducted in various Asian countries provide evidence that destination image plays a vital role in either creating a positive image or a negative image of the destination and this highly influences the intention of the Muslim tourist to travel to the destination or not. Studies confirm that having Muslim-friendly services attract more Muslim tourists to the destination.

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