Phytochemical analysis and microbial inhibition activity of Serpentina (Rauvolfia serpentina) leaves syrup on Escherichia coli causing Diarrhea

Vladimir D. Credo Jr.
[email protected]


Diarrhea is among the leading global causes of child morbidity and death worldwide (WHO, 2018), and this disease also kills 1.8 million people yearly. Contaminated food and water resources are the most common causes of diarrhea. 1 out of 10 people still doesn’t have improved water sources, leading to people being infected by diarrhea, WHO, 2019. Moreover, this study is aligned with SDG number 3, or good health and well-being, as this study was done to determine the content and the microbial inhibition of Serpentina leaves syrup against Escherichia coli causing diarrhea. Tests were: I. Phytochemical analysis (Alkaloids, Flavonoids, and Tannins) II. Disk Diffusion method on 4 different concentrations. III. Shelf life determination. IV. One-way ANOVA. For phytochemical analyses, serpentina leaves showed chemicals that can inhibit E. coli causing diarrhea, with implications such as pharmacological and microbial inhibition effects. Specifically, it showed the presence of alkaloids, flavonols, a subclass of flavonoids, and tannins. The disk diffusion method showed that serpentina leaves syrup has intermediate to susceptible efficiency against E. coli causing diarrhea (50% to 70% interprets that it’s intermediate effective while 75% and above interprets that it’s susceptible effective) as results showed that it is 65% effective with 25% and 50% concentrations, 70% effective with 75%concentration, and 80% effective with 100% concentration, which clearly states that the syrup can be used as a potent remedy against diarrhea due to its effective inhibition. After the shelflife determination, it was observed that serpentina syrup could last for up to 2 weeks, as the syrup changes in color on the 13th day and both in color and appearance on the 14th day. Following the one-way ANOVA, the results indicated a significant difference between the 4 concentrations and the positive control group, with F (73.344) > 3.48.

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