AI in education: Unlocking college student engagement in the digital learning era

AI in education: Unlocking college student engagement in the digital learning era
Corresponding email: [email protected]


This study investigated the relationships between independent variables Instructor Knowledge, Instructor Support, Ease of Access, Availability of AI Resources, Perceived Value, and Institutional Response and their impact on college student engagement in AI-driven educational contexts. Using a quantitative design, the study gathered data from 572 college students at universities in the Philippines through a structured Likert scale questionnaire on their perceptions and experiences of AI in education. Analysis through multiple regression revealed that Instructor Knowledge did not significantly influence engagement, suggesting that mere expertise may not suffice without strong interpersonal relationships. In contrast, strong Instructor Support positively correlated with student engagement, emphasizing the critical role that encouragement and guidance play in fostering student involvement. Although Ease of Access to AI tools approached significance, the availability of resources negatively correlated with engagement, indicating that an abundance of choices may overwhelm students and lead to disengagement. The Perceived Value of student feedback is positively related to engagement, underscoring the importance of institutions acknowledging and acting on student input to enhance their educational experiences. Furthermore, timely Institutional Response significantly promoted engagement by fostering transparent communication between students and institutions. These results imply that to enhance student engagement effectively, educational institutions should focus on strengthening instructor support, simplifying access to AI tools, curating resources thoughtfully, and actively responding to student feedback. This study offers important insights into AI-enhanced education, highlighting factors that can boost engagement, inform teaching practices, and influence future learning environments. By addressing these elements, institutions can create a more interactive and supportive educational experience for students in a digital learning landscape.

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Bridging the empirical gap in the relationship and effect of TikTok on students’ engagement: A case of a local college in the Philippines

Clarissa Salasac, Joseph Lobo, Bryan Dale Bernardo
Corresponding email: [email protected]


An empirical gap was observed concerning published scholarly works conducted focusing on the relationship and direct effect of TikTok utilization on students’ engagement. Therefore, conducting an inquiry regarding this issue is highly recommended. In this regard, this comparative, correlational, and causal study is focused on examining the relationship and direct effect of utilizing the said application to the engagement of students in the City College of Angeles, Angeles City, Philippines. Data are obtained by conducting an online survey to a sample of undergraduate students (NMale = 238(38.5%), NFemale = 380(61.5%). Based on the findings, it was discovered that no observed significant variance concerning TikTok utilization [Male (Mdn = 2.67) and Female (Mdn = 2.62), U(NMale = 238, NFemale = 380) = 116236.000, z = -.637 p = .524, r = -0.025)] and students’ engagement [Male (Mdn = 3.29) and Female (Mdn = 3.19), U(NMale = 238, NFemale = 380) = 114478.000, z = -1.451 p = .147, r = -0.058)] with respect to gender. Interestingly, a positive association was observed between the two variables [r(616) = .336, p < .05)]. Finally, it was found that TikTok utilization positively predicts students’ engagement [F(1, 616) = 82.574, p < .001], and the R 2 = .118 displayed that the model explains 11.8% of the variance in students’ engagement. Based on the findings, proposals for students, teachers, and future studies are presented as a result of this investigation.

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