Empowering Filipino teachers in Bahrain: The role of cognitive flexibility and teaching leadership in shaping students’ 21st-century skills

Empowering Filipino teachers in Bahrain: The role of cognitive flexibility and teaching leadership in shaping students’ 21st-century skills
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Educational institutions demand teachers to be cognitively flexible and highly skilled in leading their students to success. As 21st-century skills become increasingly essential, educators must assess how their approaches influence student development. This study explores the relationship between cognitive flexibility (CF), teaching leadership (TL), and the improvement of 21st-century skills among Filipino teachers in Bahrain. Specifically, it examines how these factors interact to shape student outcomes. Using a quantitative approach, data were collected from 65 Filipino teachers across various institutions through surveys assessing CF, TL, and students’ 21st-century skills attainment. The analysis revealed a significant impact of teaching experience on students’ skill acquisition (F=2.463, p=.055), indicating that seasoned educators are better equipped to promote these critical skills. Furthermore, teaching leadership demonstrated a significant positive effect on students’ development of 21stcentury skills (t=2.475, p=.016) at the 5% significance level, underscoring the pivotal role of effective leadership in education. Interestingly, no significant correlation was found between cognitive flexibility and students’ 21st-century skills, suggesting that while adaptability remains essential for teachers, leadership qualities may play a more direct role in student success. These results highlight the need for competency improvement programs that prioritize cultivating teaching leadership skills, particularly in contexts where 21st-century competencies are a key focus. Overall, this study ephasizes the significance of teaching leadership and experience in equipping students with the essential skills for success in a rapidly evolving world.

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