Effect of vitamin C and folate on heat-stressed chickens’ egg quality and daily egg production 

Okocha I. Onuoha, Herbert Udo
Federal College of Education, Eha-Amufu, Enugu State, Nigeria.
Michael Okpara University of Agriculture, Umudike, Nigeria.
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

Egg quality is of economic consideration especially in thermally challenged confinements during table egg production and transportation. The effect of vitamin-C and folate on heat-stressed chickens’ egg quality and performance is aimed at overcoming the negative impact of exposure to increased environmental heat load at peak heat periods of the year using vitamin-C as ameliorative agent, and efficient utilization of consumed feed, using folate. This is in other to lay quality eggs and perform optimally. A total of 72 Isa Brown laying hens at 31 weeks of age were randomly divided into 4 treatment groups of 36 birds subdivided into 3 replicates and indicated as T1, T2, T3 and T4 while T1 served as the control treatment. The birds were housed in a deep litter pen and exposed to 3-hours additional heat generated with gas-powered burners, for four consecutive days of each week for a period of 12 weeks. The diets for T2, T3 and T4 were supplemented with 250 mg of vitamin-C, 250 mg of vitamin-C + 1 mg of folate and 300 mg of vitamin-C + 1 mg of folate per kg of feed respectively. The results showed that T4 had the highest egg weights (60.04 g), shell thickness (0.53 mm) and shell weights (7.80 g). The albumin weight (37.20 g), albumin height (6.80 mm) and yolk weight (14.70 g) were highest (P<0.05) in T4 while daily eggs production/treatment/day was highest in T4 (8.04). The daily feed intake was (P<0.05) highest in T3 and T4 (0.42 kg/bird) and (P<0.05) lowest in T3 and T4 (1.51). It is concluded that combined supplementation of layers’ diet with vitamin-C and folate at the ratio of 350 mg: 1 mg/kg of feed) help to reduce negative impact of heat stress and enhance efficient utilization of feed consumed. It is recommended as a nutritional management strategy in minimizing the negative impact of increased heat load coupled with very high relative humidity.

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Bilingualism: Its influence on the reading comprehension of college students

Adybier M. Lobaton
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

Reading plays a great role in the lives of people. It provides them access to the world of ideas and an instrument for obtaining knowledge in various subject disciplines. It is a needed tool that one must possess so that s/he will not be deprived of a wonderful medium of learning. However, numerous factors impede one from acquiring reading skills. One of the most controversial issues on these factors is the language problem, which in the Philippines has evolved into an issue of national importance. Questions on the reading problem or language problem arise and it has continued to be the subject of national debate. This study was conducted utilizing the use of two languages (English and Filipino) in order to determine their significant influence on the reading comprehension of college students. A true-experimental method of research was used and it revealed: a) language of instruction does not affect significantly the achievement in reading comprehension of the subjects, b) results of the pre-test and post-test of both experimental and control groups consistently showed that the English and Filipino instructed-experimental and control group performed well in their reading achievement.

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Lion algorithm: Overview, modifications and applications

Saman M. Almufti
Computer Science, Nawroz University, Kurdistan-Region, Iraq
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

The increasing complexity of real-world problems motivated computer scientists and researchers to seek more efficient problem-solving strategies. Because of their ability to adapt to a wide range of conditions, Natural Inspired, Bio Inspired, Metaheuristics based on evolutionary computation, and Swarm Intelligence algorithms have been widely used for solving complex, real-world optimization problems. This paper presents a swarm based algorithm that is based on the cooperative behaviors between Loin’s, it is called Lion Algorithm (LA) algorithm. This paper provides a review of these algorithms, with a particular emphasis on the Lion algorithm. Lion Algorithm is based on lions’ unique social behavior, which makes them the world’s strongest animal. Loin Algorithm, like Genetic Algorithm, includes generation, mutation, crossover, and so on. The lion’s territorial defense and territorial takeover behavior distinguishes this algorithm from others.

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Job mismatch: The case of registered nurses in the Philippines

Kristine A. Condes, Toni-an B. Lachica
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
University of St. La Salle, Philippines
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

Job mismatch remains to be a subject that is given strong attention as it affects labor market productivity and economic growth. The literature revealed a growing number of nurses who are working in fields not related to the nursing profession. The purpose of this study is to explore the lived experiences of job-mismatched registered nurses. Using a qualitative phenomenological research design, a one-on-one interview has been utilized to take a look at the experiences of nine registered nurses who qualified in the inclusion criteria set by the researchers. Specifically, it gives light on what opted them to work in other fields, the difficulties they encountered, and their coping mechanisms. The result shows that participants find nursing as an exemplary education that brings together the concept and skills of competency and productivity. However, even with all their preparations for the profession, participants cited that wage gaps, stressful working environments, and employment scarcity are the reasons why nurses leave their profession. They encountered complexities during their transition to a new career in technical-related skills, work environment, and routine. Under these circumstances, participants still expressed willingness to work again as nurses in the future even with some reservations. In conclusion, the five thematic insights drawn from the experiences of the participants were the following: Unfavorable Working Conditions for Nurses, Moving to Other Career Paths to Meet Needs, Struggling Over the Mismatched Syndrome, Coping with Change, and Clinging to Nursing Profession. Thus, the researchers recommend that government, nursing, and health institutions must coordinate and discuss the plan to intensify programs and laws to promote better management and accommodation of professional nurses in the country.

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21st century competencies of teachers in teacher education institutions: Basis for designing faculty development program

Julie Ann B. Real
Philippine School Doha, Qatar
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

The role of teachers in the teaching-learning process is crucial. Students flourish when instruction and learning are at their finest. Competent teachers are needed to achieve successful teaching and fruitful learning. The main objective of this study is to assess the teachers’ competencies in selected public and private Teacher Education Institutions (TEIs). It covered 1,770 respondents: 95 from teachers, 1,658 from students and 17 from superiors. Teacher-respondents were asked to evaluate the level of their teaching competencies. To make the study more consistent, their students, and superiors were also asked to evaluate them. The Teacher-respondents were evaluated using the five-point Likert scale. The statistical tools used in this research were Frequency, Percentage, Weighted Mean and ANOVA. Findings revealed that when the three groups of respondents were asked to evaluate the level of teachers’ competency, they evaluated the teachers as ‘Very competent’ in terms of the competency indicators. Furthermore, based on the findings, there is no significant difference in the level of teachers’ teaching competencies as perceived by the three sets of respondents. It is concluded that the three groups of respondents evaluated that teachers manifest high degree of success in performing instructional and other duties in teaching. This is based on the computed figures in the findings, which show that they rated the teachers as very competent in delivering the teaching competency indicators. Although, the respondents evaluated the teachers as very competent in teaching, there are competency-indicators that should be given attention, particularly the indicators which were lowly ranked.

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K-12 online education during COVID-19 pandemic: Private school teachers’ perspective

Eric M. Ragpala
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University- MLUC, College of Graduate Studies
City of San Fernando, La Union, Philippines
Corresponding Email: [email protected] 

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, most educational institutions had been compelled to make an abrupt transition to online classes, which provided opportunities and challenges for students and teachers. To make sure the validity and reliability of this research study, a descriptive design was used. The researcher utilized an online semi-structured interview to gather the needed data from the participants. The researcher adhered to random sampling in selecting the participants of the study. A total of 17 private school teachers were randomly interviewed using Google Meet and Zoom. After the online semi-structured interview, the researcher analyzed the data using thematic analysis. The three major themes generated from the responses of the participants are perceptions of the private school teachers, the challenges in online teaching amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, and coping mechanisms. The study found that online teaching had an impact on the responsibilities and roles of the participants in K-12 education due to the changes in teaching platforms, procedures, and techniques. The study presented that the internet connection of students and teachers is one of the most important tools in online teaching. This study revealed also that pure online teaching will not help K-12 education achieve its goals due to the lack of hands-on activities. The study highlighted that the various challenges in online teaching encourage them to be adaptable and resourceful in their teaching careers. Furthermore, the study consists of coping mechanisms that determine how the participants coped with the changes introduced by the rapid move from face-to-face delivery of lessons to online teaching. The researcher recommends that teachers must regularly attend training and seminars on educational development and students must interact with their teachers to perform effectively in the teaching-learning process.

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Incorporating strategic management and competitive intelligence into library practice

Olabisi Fadeke Adesina, Zainab Olanihun Ambali, Medinat Dolapo Laaro,Tunde Toyese Oyedokun1
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
Kwara State College of Arabic and Islamic Legal Studies, Nigeria
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

In the information value chain, libraries face competition from the Internet and web information providers, including online information vendors, information brokers, and others. To stay ahead of their rivals, libraries must use strategy and intelligence gathering to ensure dynamic information services that can meet a wide range of current and emerging users’ information needs. This is especially important in an environment where libraries’ operations are growing more challenging and competitive. This study is a review article that provides an overview of current thinking on the applicability of strategic management and competitive intelligence to contemporary library practice, as well as a critical examination of prior studies, opinions, and research. According to reports, competitive intelligence is a tactical endeavour that is closely related to and integrated with librarianship. Competitive intelligence in libraries comprises determining user profiles and information needs, as well as gathering and analysing external data to plan for the competitive delivery of information services. For a very long time, people have viewed librarians as gatekeepers who serve as intermediaries between information users and the world of information. Changes in information sources, management techniques, and advancements in information technology are converting the library’s intermediary function into an enabler, providing the instruments to distribute information more rapidly and directly. To maintain or improve libraries’ level of competitiveness on a global scale, it is crucial to emphasize the importance of competitive intelligence in modern information delivery as a synergy to expand intelligence availability.

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Detection of Ascaris suum on Visayan warty pig Sus cebifrons in Negros Island, Philippines: A case report

Wilfredo V. Andico Jr.
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

This paper presents a report on the occurrence, gross pathology and transmissibility of Ascaris suum on Visayan warty pig in Negros Island, Philippines. An approximately 3-year-old Visayan warty pig was presented for death examination. History revealed that the animal was rescued from the local hunters, and is enclosed in a pen with soil flooring, fed with fruits and root crops, and, without veterinary care, was given even prior to the onset of the disease. Gross pathology revealed extensive ecchymoses in the left dorso-caudal lung lobe and multifocal fibrosis on other parts. Multifocal splenic infarctions, empty stomach, and mild fibrosis in the liver parenchyma were observed. The entire small intestine displayed catarrhal enteritis, accompanied by mucosal reddening, and numerous adult stages of Ascaris suum were identified. The results of the case showed that the transmissibility of A.suum in Visayan warty pig is generally the same on what is reported on domestic pigs. Furthermore, this case poses a public health threat due to its zoonotic potential, which is of greater concern compared to the transmissibility of the parasite in domestic pigs due to the nature of living by the Visayan warty pig. As a result, various preventive measures involving innovations in agriculture in rural areas and modifications in the attitude of every person living in the vulnerable place are formulated. To the author’s knowledge, this is the first report of A.suum infection in Negros Island, Philippines, and this should raise awareness among veterinarians, animal conservationists, and public health experts to consider A. suum infection as part of differentials whenever the same case will happen.

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Analyses on three-wheeled vehicles in relation to congestion: A case study in Bishoftu City, Ethiopia

Tenna Tesfaye Abebe, Mekete Deresso Garuno
Assosa University, Ethiopia
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

Transportation engineering aims at creating the best route between two locations within three considerations: safety, time, and cost. Drivers’ behavior on roads is one of the main concerns for any traffic engineer for its effect on safety. The main objective of this topic was to investigate the impacts of Bajaj (three-wheeled vehicles) driving behavior on traffic flow and safety. The study area is located in Bishoftu City. Data were collected from a survey questionnaire, where the number distributed questionnaire was 600. The main causes of bad driving habits related to Bajaj drivers are the experience of the drivers, age of the drivers (younger drivers), low quality of license giver agencies, and road types (common road) with other vehicles. Its results were about 95% of traffic congestion caused after accidents occur at road segment rather than traffic volume occupation. This indicates that from 85% to 95% of traffic congestion was caused due to driver’s wrong driving behavior habits.

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Assessment of servant leadership and ethical climate: The case of administrators and supervisors

Geff B. Sagala, Ismael A. Haguisan III, Ene J. Bauden
STI West Negros University, Bacolod City Philippines
University of Antique, Philippines
La Consolacion College Bacolod, Philippines
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

Servant leadership and ethical climate are philosophies in which the leader’s goal is to serve humanity ethically. This study assessed the level of servant leadership and ethical climate of the administrators and supervisors in a private hospital. This descriptive comparative correlational research study surveyed 111 employees using a validated and reliable researchers-made instrument. The researchers used the mean, standard deviation, t-test, and Pearson Product Moment of Correlation Coefficient to analyze the findings. The results showed that administrators and supervisors have a high level of servant leadership and adhere to ethical practices. This implies that the supervisors were into pro-social development to perform their moral obligations in their working environment. This study also proved a positive correlation between servant leadership and ethical climate. It is therefore recommended to further promote servant leadership and practice of ethical climate in the workplace through training programs that will raise awareness about these concepts.

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