Backyard swine production in Northern Negros: Demographics, management, and issues

Jemadel C. Gallardo, Mitchelyn B. Morada, Chiremy T. Pillones
Corresponding email: [email protected]


The main objective of this research is determination of the situation of backyard swine production in northern Negros by describing the socio[1]demographic characteristics of backyard swine raisers in the said area; identifying the management practices they employed and the common issues they encountered in backyard swine production. A survey was conducted in the three cities and municipalities in the 2nd district of Negros Occidental which include Sagay, Cadiz, and Manapla from January to March 2022. Utilizing a questionnaire, a total of 339 respondents were interviewed on different aspects of socio-demographics, management practices, and issues confronted in backyard swine production. The data were analyzed and interpreted using the frequencies and percentages through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). In the aspect of socio-demographic profile, the majority of the backyard swine raisers in the 2nd district of Negros Occidental were females, were primarily housewives, and have not attended any seminar or training related to swine raising. In terms of their management practices, the majority provide commercial feeds, provide concrete housing, and practice vitamin-mineral supplementation. The majority preferred to raise fattening pigs and those who practiced breeding preferred natural mating in breeding the sow. Respondents also indicated that scours is the primary cause of piglet mortality and the respiratory problem is the leading disease observed in growing and adult pigs. The major constraints faced by the respondents include expensive commercial feeds, the low market value of pigs, and the lack of sure buyers at the time of harvest, which often resulted in no profit. Despite the problems encountered, most backyard swine raisers manage to find alternative solutions to these problems to sustain production.

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Evaluation of plasmid-mediated decolourisation of vat dyes by indigenous bacterial isolates from local textile factories in Itoku, Abeokuta

Adebajo, S.O., Balogun, S.A., Ojo, A.E., Bankole P.O., Akintokun A.K.
Corresponding email: [email protected]


Effective mitigation and control of environmental damage brought on by the improper disposal of textiles industrial effluent is particularly noteworthy. Biodegradation of textile wastewater is emerging as a successful, environmentally friendly, and promising strategy and microbial cells that contain plasmids have specific capabilities. The present study aimed to determine the presence or absence of plasmid-mediated indigenous isolates in the decolourisation of vat dyes. Studies were carried out with four bacterial isolates, namely: Klebsiella oxytoca, Bacillus firmus, Staphylococcus aureus as well as Bacillus macerans using 100 mg/L of vat dyes (vat red 15, vat brown 1 and vat black 27) in mineral salt medium for 5 days. Bacterial isolates were cured of their plasmid using sodium dodecylsulphate (0.06 g, 0.08 g, 0.11 g, 0.22 g, 5 g and 10 g) and 10 µL of ethidium bromide (EtBr) at 40 ᴼC and decolourisation was rebated. The results showed that the plasmid weight of the bacterial isolates were 1500 bps and their plasmids were not cured until when sodium dodecylsulphate and ethidium bromide were combined. High decolourisation occurred before plasmid curing with the highest value of 96% by Bacillus macerans for vat black 27 dye and vat red dye decolorization activity of Staphylococcus aureus was the lowest at 40%. After plasmid curing, the decolourisation activity of the isolate reduced tremendously to 7% by Klebsiella oxytoca. The result obtained revealed the decolourisation abilities of selected isolates and also showed that decolourisation of vat dye is plasmid-mediated revealing that the gene encoding for dye decolourisation is harbored in the plasmid.

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Predictors of licensure examination for teachers’ performance

Balinario, Jick C., Ofqueria, Mary Grace M., Arca, Lina B.
Corresponding email: [email protected]


The study employed a descriptive correlational research design, in which the graduates’ academic performance and other factors that significantly predicted their LET performance were examined from the Academic Year 2016-2018. Respondents were randomly selected from a list of NONESCOST LET takers requested from the Professional Regulatory Commission, with a total of 175 respondents identified in this study. The data were analyzed using percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests, Pearson r, and linear regression analysis. The results revealed that LET takers have difficulty passing the specialization areas in the Licensure examination for teachers. BSEd graduates perform better in the three areas of the exam than non-BSEd graduates. High scholastic ratings and passing admission scores have a better performance in the Licensure examination. Likewise, there was a significant difference between the age, mothers’ educational attainment, course, GPA, and admission entrance score, and no significant difference in civil status, father’s educational attainment, and type of school to the LET performance of respondents. There is a significant indirect relationship between the profile of the respondents such as age, course, Entrance Exam, and Grade point average. Lastly, the respondent’s mother’s educational attainment, course, GPA, and entrance examination are significant predictors of LET performance. It is recommended the college will concentrate on the area of specialization in the conduct of review classes and strengthen the college-wide admission and retention policy. Non-education graduates who wish to take education units should be given priority to be admitted to the college’s post-undergraduate program and given enough seminars and review classes.

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Integration biometrics in web application: Security for web apps

Wulandari Kusuma Herdanu, Rabab Alayham Abbas Helmi, Mariana Syamsudin
Corresponding email: [email protected]


To evaluate the effectiveness of biometric security systems, an information theoretic framework is constructed. First, two performance metrics privacy, determined by the biometric measurements’ normalized equivocation rate, and security, determined by the biometric measurements’ key generation rate are specified. Then, it is decided that there is a fundamental tradeoff between these two measurements. First, we investigate the case where a potential attacker has no side knowledge. For this situation, the privacy-security region which defines the tradeoff mentioned above is derived. In perfect privacy biometric security systems, common knowledge among random variables plays a significant role. The case where the adversary possesses side knowledge is then considered. In this scenario, the privacy-security tradeoff has inner and outside bounds. Client-server and locally installable apps, which are getting older, have lost a considerable amount of market share to web applications. It is now possible because of some special benefits that web applications provide. They can function just as well as locally installed software and are accessible through web browsers without the need for installation or upkeep. Due to the lack of resources required by enterprises to administer them locally, web applications have gained popularity more swiftly. Now that new technologies, standards, and APIs have been developed, it is possible to employ more information security safeguards. The following sections of this article go into greater detail about web apps, web-based biometrics, and the integration of biometric authentication in web applications.

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Dynamics of rumen microbial population in goats (Capra hircus) supplemented with buffered banana (Musa balbisiana) blossom pellets

Cañete, Roberto Jr., N., Constantino, Mark James M., Delmonte, Meg Aui O.
Corresponding email: [email protected]


Increased efficiency in ruminant production through rumen manipulation have been of great interest to animal nutritionist, practitioners, and researchers. This study sought to understand the effect of Buffered Banana Blossom Pellets (BBBP) on rumen pH and population dynamics of ruminal bacteria and protozoa. Four treatments with four replications were randomly allocated to sixteen goats aged 4 to 6 months old. Data were analyzed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) in Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) in Statistical Tool for Agricultural Reaserch (STAR) version 2.0.1.. Treatment 1 (control), Treatment 2 (1% BBBP + basal diet), Treatment 3 (2% BBBP + basal diet), and Treatment 4 (3% BBBP + basal diet) were subjected to a 35 days experiment with the first 7 days establishment period. The result shows an increase in rumen pH. T4 with 3% BBBP obtained the highest increase in pH. The highest reduction in the ruminal bacterial count was observed in T1 with -95%. But an increase in the bacterial count was observed in T2 with 1% supplementation of BBBP. A decrease in the ruminal protozoal count was also observed in T1 with -3.01%. In comparison, there is an increase in protozoal count in treatments with the supplementation of BBBP. The nutrient content of Buffered Banana Blossom Pellets revealed a high content of minerals that neutralize the rumen ecology. It has protein (5.4%), fiber (24.8%), fat (1.5%), and carbohydrates (31.8%). It was therefore concluded that supplementation of BBBP, which is high in minerals, could buffer the rumen environment and a subsequent improvement in the population of ruminal protozoa and improvement of ruminal bacteria at 1% BBBP supplementation.

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Deep learning techniques for speech emotion recognition: A review

Silviana Widya Lestari, Saliyah Kahar, Trismayanti Dwi
Corresponding email: [email protected]


Speech emotion recognition is gaining significant importance in the domains of pattern recognition and natural language processing. In recent years, there has been notable progress in voice emotion detection within this field, primarily attributed to the successful application of deep learning techniques. Some research in this area lacks a thorough comparative study of different deep learning models and techniques related to speech emotion detection. This makes it difficult to identify the best performing approaches and their relative strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, the purpose of this work is to provide a comprehensive overview and provide a detailed overview of deep learning methods for speech emotion detection. The method used is a comparative literature analysis of previous articles that are relevant to the topic, which are related to both the methods of deep learning and the collections of data. The datasets that to be analyzed include the EMO[1]DB, RAVDESS, TESS, CREMA-D, IEMOCAP, and Danish Emotional Speech Databases. The language that used in the dataset is English, except for EMO-DB which used German language and Danish Emotional Speech Database that used Danish language. Most of the emotion types extracted from these datasets included basic emotions such as happiness, sadness, neutrality, disgust, surprise, and anger. The results of this review show that the application of deep learning techniques has made significant progress in the introduction of speech emotion detection. Complex deep learning models, for instance the CNN-RNN combination, can extract relevant acoustic features and produce accurate results in recognizing emotion from speech. This advancement has significant implications for various applications, including human computer interaction, affective computing, call center analytics, psychological research, and clinical diagnosis.

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Implementing Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) learning model in grade 9 Biology and its impact on learning achievement

Sherab Chophel, Pema Tshewang, Phuntsho Wangdi, Ugyen Wangdi, Sherab Jamtsho
Corresponding email: [email protected]


The purpose of this action research (AR) is to implement the Student Team Achievement Divisions (STAD) learning model as a classroom teaching and learning practice and determine its impact on the learning achievement of grade 9th biology students in one Bhutanese higher secondary school. The study employed a pre-test and post-test one-group quasi-experimental group design as a methodological approach. A total of 31 grade 9 students were purposively selected as the experimental group and received the STAD learning model treatment as an intervention for a month. The group was tasked with STAD learning activities such as drawing and writing activities, quizzes, presentations, group discussions, tests, questions, and answers. The data were collected quantitatively through pre- and post-Biology Achievement Tests (BAT), questionnaires, and qualitatively through focused group interviews. Quantitative data are presented in descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) while qualitative data is in thematic analysis. According to the paired sample t test, the post-test mean score (M=10.98, SD=2.53) increased significantly when compared to the pre-test mean score (M=6.67, SD=2.79), with mean score differences (M=4.30). A descriptive analysis of questionnaires on students’ motivation, collaboration, and self-confidence in learning reveals a ‘High’ degree of perceptions on mean scores and standard deviations; (M=3.99, SD=0.715); (M=4.24, SD=.729); and (M=3.89, SD=0.948) respectively. Qualitative data also indicated positive perceptions of the use of the STAD learning model in biology. Therefore, based on the findings, it is recommended that teachers adopt the STAD model in their classrooms to motivate students and improve their learning achievement.

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To the mind, heart, and will: Unravelling the appeals of Pope Francis’ pandemic homilies

Henry E. Lemana II
[email protected]


Homilies serve a crucial role in challenging, informing, directing, and inspiring congregations, especially during times of crisis. This study focuses on unravelling the appeals used by Pope Francis in 10 randomly selected homilies delivered amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings reveal that Pope Francis utilizes three key appeals in his homilies. Firstly, he appeals to the mind by presenting ideas in a coherent and logical progression, incorporating examples and visual imagery to enhance comprehension. Secondly, he appeals to the heart by using literary devices, relatable language, and a deep understanding of the audience’s needs to evoke emotions and provide comfort and encouragement. Lastly, he appeals to the will by urging his listeners to take action, promoting concrete steps to help others and alleviate suffering. Overall, Pope Francis employs these appeals to engage, inspire, and empower his audience in their spiritual journey. The study demonstrates that employing appeals, particularly in the context of a preacher like Pope Francis, is a persuasive and potent approach to engaging the intellect, stirring emotions, and inspiring action. Furthermore, this linguistic investigation highlights the significance of appeals in enhancing the profoundness of homilies, providing valuable insights into homiletics and linguistics. It establishes a foundation for further exploration at the intersection of religious discourse and linguistic analysis, offering the potential for new perspectives and methodologies in the examination of homilies.

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Shelf life of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in different post-harvest treatments

Justine V. Gemida, Roniel A. Ardeña, Chiremy T. Pillones
Corresponding Email: [email protected]


This study was carried out in order to evaluate the tomato’s (Solanum lycopersicum) shelf life in different postharvest treatments in terms of color, firmness, percent weight loss, and percent weight of tomato. Study result would help farmers to adopt alternative techniques to protect and extend the shelf life of tomato. Four treatments were applied: t0- tap water treatment (control); t1- hot water treatment; t2- UV-C light treatment; and t3- seaweed treatment. Five (5) times each of these treatments were replicated in a completely randomized design (CRD). Data were collected, tabulated, and subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) using the Statistical Tool for Agricultural Research (STAR). Comparison among means made at a 5% level of significance using Tukey’s Honest Significance Difference (HSD). Seaweed treatment at 3% concentration, hot water treatment for 20 minutes, and UV-C light treatment for 20 minutes had the same effect but significantly maximized the shelf life of tomatoes than tap water treatment during 30 days of storage, seaweed treatment at 3% concentration significantly delays the color of the shelf life of tomatoes among treatments during 30 days of storage, seaweed treatment is significantly firmer than the tap water treatment but is comparable to UV-C light treatment and hot water treatment. Thus, seaweed treatment, UV-C light treatment, and Hot water treatment have the same effect on the firmness of the shelf life of tomatoes in storing 30 days; seaweed treatment at 3% concentration is significantly lowest in percent weight loss than tap water and hot water treatment but is comparable to UV-C light treatment in storing 30 days. As a result, both UV-C light and seaweed treatments have the similar effects on tomato weight loss. Both may thereby lessen tomato weight loss during storage.

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Investigation of antimicrobial potencies of mixed-ligand complexes of divalent metal ions with Barbituric acid and 2,2-Bipyridine

Oluwabiyi J. Olaoye, Mary A. Oladipo, Kayode T. Ishola, Omobola A. Odedokun, Olayinka G. Ogunlade
Corresponding author: [email protected]


The development of resistance by many pathogenic microorganisms towards many conventional antibiotic drugs has now become one of the major worldwide health challenges, which requires a search for more effective drugs to combat the growing threat of widespread antibiotic resistance. Therefore, in an attempt to search for new and effective antibiotic drugs, antimicrobial potencies of mixed ligand complexes of Cu (II), Co (II), Ni (II) involving barbituric acid and 2,2-bipyridine chelating agents were examined. The mixed-ligand complexes were synthesized and the formation of the complexes was established using elemental analysis, metal analysis, melting points, solubility test, infra-red and Uv-visible analysis. The complexes were investigated for their pharmaceutical exploits against bacteria (Bacillus substilis and Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Clostridium spp.) and four fungi (Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus niger, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Candida albican). Three conventional antibiotic drugs were employed as reference drugs. The formation of the metal complexes in ratio 1:1:1 and molecular formulas were confirmed via elemental and metal analyses. The purity of the metal complexes was ascertained by the sharp melting points. Infrared spectroscopic analysis revealed the formation of coordination bonds between the ligands and the metal ions through nitrogen and oxygen donors. The formation of the metal complexes was substantiated by UV-visible electronic transitions. The diversity of antimicrobial activities was displayed by the metal complexes against the pathogenic organisms at inhibitory zones of 6 mm – 25 mm. The metal complexes produced more significant antimicrobial activity than the standard drugs and succeeded where the standard drugs failed. The complexes could be considered potential antimicrobial agents to replace the less effective conventional antibiotic drugs. The toxicity of the metal complexes should be evaluated to establish their suitability for replacement.

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