Adaptive Strategies amidst an Emerging Educational Trend: What Teachers Should Know?

Samson M. Lausa, Lover Joy N. Embao
Corresponding email: [email protected]


This study examined the flexible learning strategies of pupils of one private elementary school in Negros Occidental, Philippines enrolled in the school year 2020-2021. This quantitative study used a descriptive method with 88 pupils who responded to the validated and reliability-tested survey questionnaire. The frequency and percentage distribution, mean, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson R Product Moment of Correlation Coefficient were used to interpret the results of the study. The findings indicated that participants’ sexual profile, grade level, and sample size were evenly distributed. The use of; planning strategy, doing strategy, reflection strategy, emotional response strategy, and helpline strategy as adaptive learning strategies in flexible learning modality is to a great extent. Moreover, findings showed that no significant difference exists in the utilization of these adaptive strategies except in the aspect of age, educational background, and occupation of the father which showed significant results. Likewise, a significant relationship was revealed between the adaptive learning strategies and the academic achievement of participants as a whole and when grouped as to learning strategy.

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Flexible learning as a new designed pedagogy: The nursing students’ lived experiences

Kristine A. Condes1, Anamae G. Quezon2
1Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
2University of St. La Salle, Philippines
Corresponding email: [email protected]

The compelled shift of pedagogy design in nursing education as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought some disparities and challenges in the program, more specifically to the students. The purpose of this study is to explore the lived experiences of nursing students with flexible learning. Using a qualitative phenomenological research design, a one-on-one interview via zoom has been utilized to understand the perception and views of six nursing students who qualified in the inclusion criteria set by the researchers. Specifically, it gives light on their views of flexible learning, the challenges they encountered, and their adaptation methods. The findings show that participants experienced difficulties and made huge adjustments in their routines and approaches to learning. The absence of clinical exposure and the gap in skills and related learning experience in nursing education is their most concerning aspect. However, even with all the gaps and limitations of flexible learning, it also offers unique advantages to them. Participants cited flexibility, self-paced learning, self-discipline, time management, convenience, and time for the family were their positive experiences. The result draws four thematic insights from the experiences of the participants: Sudden Shift of Learning Design is a Tough Change, Gap in the Practical Component of Nursing Education, Flexible Learning is Taking Shape, and Staying Positive with Creative Outlets. The study recommends that nursing institutions and organizations should look into the limitation of resources among nursing students and come up with programs and strategies that would address the gap of skills and practical components in nursing education. Acknowledgment of these limitations should make the nursing schools and administrators come up with some alternatives in the delivery of education as the students adjust to the new learning design.

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