Revalidating the test of general reasoning ability in the African context: Evidence from Rivers State Nigeria

Stella Eteng-Uket
[email protected]


As the world becomes increasingly complex, the demand for individuals with strong general reasoning abilities has never been more important. To meet this demand, educators and employers need a reliable way to measure the general reasoning ability of their students and employees. The Test of General Reasoning Ability (TOGRA) has emerged as a promising tool for measuring general reasoning ability. However, it has not been used in developing nations like Africa, including Nigeria. One possible reason for this is the lack of revalidation of the TOGRA in Nigeria. Therefore, to gain recognition in Nigeria’s research community and also be used with confidence, it is necessary to revalidate the test in the local context. This prompted the study. Eight research questions were drawn, a triangulation research design was adopted, and a sample of 400 persons was drawn using a multi-stage sampling approach from the Port Harcourt metropolis in Rivers State, Nigeria. Two instruments were used for data collection: the Test of General Reasoning Ability (TOGRA) and the Reynold Adaptable Intelligence Test Nonverbal (RAIT-NV). The data were analysed using various statistical tools and software. Results revealed that TOGRA possesses adequate difficulty and discrimination indices, high-reliability indices, and validity. The conclusion was that TOGRA is a reliable and valid measure of reasoning ability in Nigeria. It was recommended that it be used for research and practical purposes in educational and occupational settings.

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Development and validation of multimedia-based instructional module in Science 7

Christian R. Basilio, Eivan Mark S. Sigua
Tinajero National High School Annex-Department of Education, Philippines
College of Education-Pampanga State Agricultural University, Philippines
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

This study aimed to develop and validate a multimedia-based instructional module in Science 7. This was initiated as a response to the poor performance of Filipino learners on international and national standard assessments in Science. A descriptive approach of research was utilized in developing and validating the module. Each lesson in the module consisted of the following parts: learning objectives, pretest, discussion of the topic, activities, posttest, and references. The development of the module underwent four phases: planning, content validation and analysis, designing, and development. The Lawshe’s content validity formula was used in determining the essential learning competencies that were included in the module. A validation tool was used by ten experts in validating the content, design/format, technical/technological, and pedagogical aspect of the module. Results of the study showed that all of the validators agreed that the developed multimedia-based instructional module in Science 7 met all the criteria found in each parameter on the validation tool. Therefore, it was concluded that the developed multimedia-based instructional module can be used as instructional material by Science 7 learners.

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