Volume 3 | No. 4 | December 2023 Issue

December 2023

Students’ acceptance of learning management system: Analysis of responses based on generational differences
Mohamad Syafri1, Jayanti Puspita Dewi2
1Islamic State University Datokarama Palu, Indonesia
2Universitas Terbuka, Indonesia

Full Paper PDF Abstract 1-12

Asphalt modification using thermoplastic polymer components
Roy O. Anabo
Head Teacher I, Dolores National High School, Dolores, Eastern Samar, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 13-24

Importance of English language on the role of foreign household attendants in attaining an electronically safe environment
Rodalin N. Asenas1, Mary Jean P. Dureza2
1University of Technology Bahrain
2Arabian Pearl Gulf School

Full Paper PDF Abstract 25-36

Comparative analysis of pigment contents, phytochemical constituents, and antioxidant properties of selected plants in the Philippines
Kim Mariel S. Casuga1, Lexter R. Natividad2
1Institute of Arts and Sciences, Bulacan Agricultural State College, San Ildefonso, Bulacan, Philippines
2Department of Science Education, College of Education, Central Luzon State University, Science City of Muñoz,
Nueva Ecija, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 37-49

Spatial and temporal variations of soil microbial respiration under native and exotic tree species
Lameck Davie Nyirenda1, 2, James Majamanda2, 3, Anas Khalif 1, 4, Mana Kanjanamaneesathian1
1Faculty of Animal Science and Agricultural Technology, Silpakorn University, Phetchaburi IT Campus, Cha-Am, Phetchaburi 76120, Thailand
2Faculty of Science, University of Malawi, Department of Biological Sciences, P.O. Box 280, Zomba, Malawi
3Faculty of Science, Domasi College of Education, Department of Biological Sciences, P.O. Box 49, Domasi, Zomba, Malawi
4Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Jazeera University, Mogadishu, Somalia

Full Paper PDF Abstract 50-58

Determinants of performance in the board examination for Mechanical Engineering graduates of the Nueva Vizcaya State University, Bambang campus
Dale Mark N. Bristol1, Larry P. Remolazo1, Ernesto B. Bausel Jr.1, Jeanelyn R. Tominez1, Jemimah P. Natividad2
1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Nueva Vizcaya State University, Bambang Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines
2Department of Electrical Engineering, Nueva Vizcaya State University, Bambang Nueva Vizcaya, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 59-72

Investigation on performance analysis of pyramid solar water distillation system
Sabae Khaing1, War War Min Swe2
1Mandalay Technological University, Myanmar
2Mandalay Technological University, Myanmar

Full Paper PDF Abstract 73-91

Filipino language anxiety among science high school students
Dominic Patric G. Galdonez
Philippine Science High School-Ilocos Region Campus, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 92-103

Improving network security using keyboard dynamics: A comparative study
Ugwunna, C.O.1, Chukwuogo, O.E.2, Alabi, O.A.1, Kareem, M.K.1, Belonwu, T.S.2, Oloyede, S.O.1
1Department of Computer Science, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, P.M.B. 2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria.
2Department of Computer Science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Anambra, P.M.B 5025, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria.

Full Paper PDF Abstract 104-121

The effect of stigma reduction initiatives on HIV testing rates among college students in region XI: The mediating role of safer sex practices
Lynard Bobby L. Asirit
Hamamatsu City Board of Education/Japan

Full Paper PDF Abstract 122-135

Revalidating the test of general reasoning ability in the African context: Evidence from Rivers State Nigeria
Stella Eteng-Uket
Department of Educational Psychology, G/C, Faculty of Education, University of Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

Full Paper PDF Abstract 136-152

Effects of different preservatives on the vase life of chrysanthemum cut flowers
John Mark R. Padernal1, Ronie R. Reyes1, Roniel A. Ardeña1, Justine V. Gemida1, Jerica C. Ameler2
1Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
2Municipal Agriculture Office, Municipality of Calatrava, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 153-157

The role of school in forming a local culture-based education environment in indigenous school
Tria Ina Utari
IAIN Ambon, Indonesia

Full Paper PDF Abstract 158-165

Levels of self-efficacy and adjustment among Filipino elementary teachers in the re-opening of face-to-face classes
Carl O. Dellomos1, Mae Angela D. Dela Cruz2, Shirlex Martinez3, Klint Niño L. Miciano4, Reinna Jhozea C. Tiongson5, Jhasper M. Ty6, Marie Grace Pamela G. Faylona7, John Mark M. Tumaob8, Sheila G. Tan9, Benjamin M. Castro10
1-7Philippine Normal University, Manila, Philippines
8-10Beata Elementary School, Manila, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 166-179

More than just a movement: Capacitating cooperatives in Negros Occidental of Region VI
Princess Jeah Marie Sotto Geroso
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 180-189