An investigation to students’ satisfaction with a university’s web portal

An investigation to students’ satisfaction with a university’s web portal
Corresponding email: [email protected]


This study examined the factors related to system and users that affect satisfaction with the web portal of the University of Ibadan undergraduates. Out of 14,384 undergraduate students, the study used the proportionate to size sampling technique to choose 388 as the sample size. Participants were chosen by convenience selection from each faculty. A validated instrument was used to collect the data, and a significance level of 0.05 was applied to the analysis. The results revealed that computer anxiety, computer literacy skills, faculties, information literacy skills, service quality, sex, student level, and system quality were significant predictors of students’ satisfaction. Conversely, information quality and age were not significant predictors. Given the results, it is advised that the University of Ibadan’s web development unit should prioritize improvements to the undergraduate web portal, focusing on ease of use, fast loading speed, easy navigation, and flexibility. Computer literacy skills should be integrated into the student curriculum to improve computer usage skills and reduce anxiety.

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Performing homework using of ICT for graphical presentation of trigonometric functions: A qualitative analysis

Senad Orhani
Faculty of Education/University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Prishtina, Kosovo
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

Trigonometry is a mathematical field whose basic concepts are sine and cosine and have many different representations, some of which are covered at length in the Kosovo curriculum in high schools. Unfortunately, many of its aspects are taught procedurally, forcing students to learn without meaning and memorize formulas. The use of ICT enables the implementation of this unconventional proposal, through a series of activities. So, modern ICT provides an excellent tool to explore many of the concepts related to trigonometry, namely the graphical representation of trigonometric functions. Therefore, this study explores some of the potential of such ICTs to influence the performance of homework on graphing trigonometric functions. Qualitative research was chosen as the methodology for this study. Whereas, for this study, the selected sample is represented by about 30 students attending the eleventh grade at the music high school “Lorenc Antoni” in Prizren/Kosovo. Data collection for this study was conducted through online portfolios and an interview. The results of this study show the positive effect that ICT had on the students’ motivation for doing homework during the graphical presentation of trigonometric functions.

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