Effects of flipped classroom teaching strategy on pupils’ motivation and achievement in numeracy in nursery schools in Abuja, Nigeria

Muraina Kamilu Olanrewaju, Ojonugwa D. Solomon, Oladele Omolara, Olayemi Zainab Oduola
Corresponding email: [email protected]


The need for alternate teaching strategies in nursery schools in Nigerian federal capital territory triggered this study, the study investigated the effects of flipped classroom teaching strategy on Pupils’ motivation in numeracy and achievement in nursery schools in Abuja Municipal Area Council (AMAC) Abuja, Nigeria. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. The quasi-experimental research design was used for the study. The population of the study consisted of nursery two (2) pupils of 2022/2023 academic session of AMAC numbering 6,498. The sample size for the study consisted of 127 (51 Males and 76 Females) drawn from six intact classes in the six area councils. Simple random sampling was used to draw six intact classes from the six area councils in the F.C.T. Situation Motivation Scale (SMS) and Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) were the instruments used for data collection. Cronbach Alpha formula was used to measure the internal consistency of (SMS), which yielded a reliability estimate of 0 .72. Kuder-Richardson formula 20 (K-R 20) determined the reliability of (MAT), which yielded a reliability estimate of 0.73. Mean, standard deviations and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) were used to analyze the pre-test and post-test data and the research questions and hypotheses raised for the study. The analysis revealed that flipped classroom teaching strategy increased pupils’ motivation and enhanced their achievement in numeracy more than the conventional method in FCT nursery schools in Nigeria. The study recommends that flipped classroom teaching strategy should be used in schools especially in nursery schools to enhance their motivation and achievement in numeracy.

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Perceived support from the organization as a mediating variable between high performance work systems and creativity of employees

Rashed Mahmud Shakil, Md. Nizam Uddin, Jannatul Ferdous, Md. Sorowar Hossen
Corresponding email: [email protected]


Until recently, there has been an abundance of research dedicated to investigating the organisational results of high-performance work systems (HPWSs). But few studies were conducted on the individual results of HPWSs, particularly employee creativity and also the mechanism by which employee creativity is influenced by HPWSs. Drawing on the theory of social exchange, this study is aimed at filling this gap by examining the mediating impact of perceived support from the organisation on the association between HPWSs and creativity of employees. A cross-sectional approach along with a quantitativedeductive causal method was adopted, and Bangladeshi Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) sector was the focus in this study. We collected data utilising self-administered questionnaires from 211 fulltime employees and applied partial least square-structural equation modelling for our statistical analysis. Our research findings emphasise that HPWSs positively affects perceived support from the organisation, subsequently enhancing creativity of employees. Furthermore, the outcomes also suggest that perceived support from the organisation acts as a mediator in the connection between HPWSs and the creativity of employees. Our study makes a significant contribution to the SME literature on what ways SMEs might enhance employee creativity. Moreover, the findings relating to this research have also implications for managers as well as practitioners. It is crucial for SMEs to implement HPWS that in turn encourage employee creativity. In order to stimulate employee creativity, SME businesses should adopt HPWS that foster employees’ perceptions of organisational support. Once the implementation of HPWS is done, it becomes essential for SME employees to be motivated and perceive strong support from their employer, which, in turn, leads to increased creative behaviour.

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Assessment of environmental law awareness and pro-environmental behavior among DEBESMSCAT- Cawayan Campus Agriculture students

Roger Y. Ibanez, Jr., Jacob Frederick P. Velza, Alvin M. Mahawan, Jonna Mae B. Catimpuhan, Restiel V. Gaylan
Corresponding email: [email protected]


Environment and natural resources were crucial to the existence of abiotic and biotic organisms, which included human beings. As the environment degraded, one of the key solutions was the next generation’s perception, understanding, and attitude toward environmental laws. Thus, the paper studied the knowledge and attitude of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture students toward environmental laws in the Philippines. The study was conducted through a structured survey questionnaire and interview. The study revealed that students of the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture of the DEBESMSCAT-Cawayan Campus had poor knowledge and awareness of environmental laws. However, their attitude towards environmental law enforcement was considered essential. Additionally, students believed that the government was not effective in enforcing environmental laws in the country, their level of confidence in the government towards environmental law was low, and they perceived that most people were not aware of environmental laws. Lastly, community clean-up drives, tree planting, conservation of electricity, and everyone’s responsibility were pro-environmental behaviors of Bachelor of Science in Agriculture students. Therefore, strict implementation and molding of agriculture students in their subjects were necessary to strengthen their attitude toward environmental laws. It was also vital to enhance their leadership skills to influence the community as they had positive behavior in the implementation of environmental laws.

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Improving grade five students’ recreational reading habits: An action research

Lobzang Cheki, Karma Rinzin, Pema Desi, Yeshi Yangtsho, Sonam Gyaltshen
Corresponding email: [email protected]


Reading is vital for learning. It makes a reader more empathetic, knowledgeable, and creative and stimulates imagination. It also helps in boosting communication, improving vocabulary and helps to discover the world. Given this context, the present study seeks to improve grade five students’ recreational reading habits through measures such as uninterrupted sustained silent reading, creating reading corner and providing reading incentives. Grounded on the pragmatism paradigm, the study employs convergent parallel design. The quantitative and qualitative data were collected through survey of 25 students and six students, respectively. The quantitative data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The qualitative data from interview were used to support the findings of quantitative data. The result of the current study revealed that intervention measures employed for this study are effective in enhancing grade five students’ attitude towards reading. The recreational reading habits also improved after implementing the intervention measures. In addition, it was also found that reading incentives motivates students the most followed by uninterrupted sustained silent reading. Therefore, teachers and parents need to encourage students to read by creating reading platform and providing incentives for the students to enhance their recreational reading habits.

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Teachers’ beliefs and challenges of using multimedia for teaching visuals in social work: A study of Bangladeshi government college

Md. Habibul Ahasan
[email protected], [email protected]


Social Work (SW) educators are increasingly using a number of visual aids in their lessons to make the learning process more effective. To teach the dominant SW courses, educators in this discipline are likely to use relevant photographs, videos, posters, graphs and other visual contents in addition to textbooks. The goal of this study is to explore the current beliefs and challenges of educators by using multimedia for teaching visuals in SW courses at the tertiary level. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the fact that this study took place at a government institution, only educators were chosen based on their availability, experience, and willingness to take part in this research. The data was gathered through qualitative methodology. A semi-structured interview schedule was used to collect information, and finally, using the thematic approach, the data was analyzed. The findings show that incorporating visual aids with multimedia in the classroom provides a number of benefits. It enhances student comprehension, boosts participation, and keeps students’ attention focused on the substance of the lesson. The research findings also reveal that educators encounter certain obstacles, such as inadequate proficiency in utilizing multimedia with visual aids, insufficient availability of multimedia classrooms and equipment, a lack of proper training and low internet speed, the absence of backup power sources, and a lack of additional financial incentives for their supplementary efforts. The results of this study indicate that the integration of visual multimedia can augment the attractiveness and comprehensibility of instructional sessions. The participation of students in a multimedia-based classroom environment has the potential to function as a catalyst for their academic motivation.

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The correlation between university students’ interactions and their character development in Morocco

Ayman Belhiyad
[email protected]


In higher education, students’ interactions are crucial to their learning in general and to their character development in particular for various reasons. Students’ interactions can be at different levels such as student students’ interactions, student-teachers’ interactions and student-faculty interactions. Knowing the importance of students’ interaction, the aim of this study is to investigate the correlation between students’ interactions and their character in Moroccan higher education. Student’s interactions, in this study, refer to students’ interactions with their friends and classmates, teachers and the administrative staff while students’ character is defined in this study as their morals, ethics, values and citizenship. The main research question answers the question if there is a statistically significant relationship between students’ interactions and their character. 220 students filled in the online questionnaires to study the targeted correlations in addition to 17 students participated in the focus groups to elicit their opinions about their interactions among themselves, with their teachers and the administrative staff in relation to their character as well as the underlying correlations. This study is mixed methods research in that both questionnaires and focus groups are implemented to answer the aforementioned research question. The quantitative data revealed a positive correlation between students’ interactions and their character while the qualitative date confirmed previous quantitative results concerning such correlations. The results suggested that university presidents, deans, faculty staff, teachers and policy makers have to be cautious about the importance of students’ interactions in developing students’ character as well as the positive correlation students’ interactions have with their morals, ethics, values and citizenship.

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Volume 3 | No. 2 | June 2023 Issue

June 2023

Some applications of linear congruence from number theory
Senad Orhani, Besim Çeko
Faculty of Education, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Prishtina, Kosovo
Lower Secondary School, “Zef Lush Marku”, Prizren, Kosovo

Full Paper PDF Abstract 1-11

Adaptive Strategies amidst an Emerging Educational Trend: What Teachers Should Know?
Samson M. Lausa, Lover Joy N. Embao
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Sagay City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Dreamland School of Murcia, Inc

Full Paper PDF Abstract 12-28

Investigation of antimicrobial potencies of mixed-ligand complexes of divalent metal ions with Barbituric acid and 2,2-Bipyridine
Oluwabiyi J. Olaoye, Mary A. Oladipo, Kayode T. Ishola, Omobola A. Odedokun, Olayinka G. Ogunlade
Pure & Applied Chemistry Department, Ladoke Akintola University of Technology, Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria.
Chemistry Department, Federal College of Education (Special), Oyo, Oyo State, Nigeria

Full Paper PDF Abstract 29-40

Shelf life of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) in different post-harvest treatments
Justine V. Gemida, Roniel A. Ardeña, Chiremy T. Pillones
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 41-49

To the mind, heart, and will: Unravelling the appeals of Pope Francis’ pandemic homilies
Henry E. Lemana II
School of Languages and General Education, Walailak University, Thailand

Full Paper PDF Abstract 50-64

Implementing Student Teams Achievement Divisions (STAD) learning model in grade 9 Biology and its impact on learning achievement
Sherab Chophel, Pema Tshewang, Phuntsho Wangdi, Ugyen Wangdi, Sherab Jamtsho
Baylling Higher Secondary School, Bhutan

Full Paper PDF Abstract 65-77

Deep learning techniques for speech emotion recognition: A review
Silviana Widya Lestari, Saliyah Kahar, Trismayanti Dwi
Management & Science University, Malaysia
State Polytechnic of Jember, Indonesia

Full Paper PDF Abstract 78-91

Dynamics of rumen microbial population in goats (Capra hircus) supplemented with buffered banana (Musa balbisiana) blossom pellets
Cañete, Roberto Jr., N., Constantino, Mark James M., Delmonte, Meg Aui O.
College of Agriculture and Allied Sciences, Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology

Full Paper PDF Abstract 92-102

Integration biometrics in web application: Security for web apps
Wulandari Kusuma Herdanu, Rabab Alayham Abbas Helmi, Mariana Syamsudin
Management & Science University, Malaysia
Pontianak State Polytechnic, Indonesia

Full Paper PDF Abstract 103-116

Predictors of licensure examination for teachers’ performance
Balinario, Jick C., Ofqueria, Mary Grace M., Arca, Lina B.
College of Education, Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 117-128

Evaluation of plasmid-mediated decolourisation of vat dyes by indigenous bacterial isolates from local textile factories in Itoku, Abeokuta
Adebajo, S.O., Balogun, S.A., Ojo, A.E., Bankole P.O., Akintokun A.K.
Department of Microbiology, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, P.M.B. 2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria
Department of Plant and Applied Botany, Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta, P.M.B.2240, Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria

Full Paper PDF Abstract 129-140

Backyard swine production in Northern Negros: Demographics, management, and issues
Jemadel C. Gallardo, Mitchelyn B. Morada, Chiremy T. Pillones
College of Agriculture and Allied Sciences/Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 141-155

Backyard swine production in Northern Negros: Demographics, management, and issues

Jemadel C. Gallardo, Mitchelyn B. Morada, Chiremy T. Pillones
Corresponding email: [email protected]


The main objective of this research is determination of the situation of backyard swine production in northern Negros by describing the socio[1]demographic characteristics of backyard swine raisers in the said area; identifying the management practices they employed and the common issues they encountered in backyard swine production. A survey was conducted in the three cities and municipalities in the 2nd district of Negros Occidental which include Sagay, Cadiz, and Manapla from January to March 2022. Utilizing a questionnaire, a total of 339 respondents were interviewed on different aspects of socio-demographics, management practices, and issues confronted in backyard swine production. The data were analyzed and interpreted using the frequencies and percentages through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). In the aspect of socio-demographic profile, the majority of the backyard swine raisers in the 2nd district of Negros Occidental were females, were primarily housewives, and have not attended any seminar or training related to swine raising. In terms of their management practices, the majority provide commercial feeds, provide concrete housing, and practice vitamin-mineral supplementation. The majority preferred to raise fattening pigs and those who practiced breeding preferred natural mating in breeding the sow. Respondents also indicated that scours is the primary cause of piglet mortality and the respiratory problem is the leading disease observed in growing and adult pigs. The major constraints faced by the respondents include expensive commercial feeds, the low market value of pigs, and the lack of sure buyers at the time of harvest, which often resulted in no profit. Despite the problems encountered, most backyard swine raisers manage to find alternative solutions to these problems to sustain production.

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Evaluation of plasmid-mediated decolourisation of vat dyes by indigenous bacterial isolates from local textile factories in Itoku, Abeokuta

Adebajo, S.O., Balogun, S.A., Ojo, A.E., Bankole P.O., Akintokun A.K.
Corresponding email: [email protected]


Effective mitigation and control of environmental damage brought on by the improper disposal of textiles industrial effluent is particularly noteworthy. Biodegradation of textile wastewater is emerging as a successful, environmentally friendly, and promising strategy and microbial cells that contain plasmids have specific capabilities. The present study aimed to determine the presence or absence of plasmid-mediated indigenous isolates in the decolourisation of vat dyes. Studies were carried out with four bacterial isolates, namely: Klebsiella oxytoca, Bacillus firmus, Staphylococcus aureus as well as Bacillus macerans using 100 mg/L of vat dyes (vat red 15, vat brown 1 and vat black 27) in mineral salt medium for 5 days. Bacterial isolates were cured of their plasmid using sodium dodecylsulphate (0.06 g, 0.08 g, 0.11 g, 0.22 g, 5 g and 10 g) and 10 µL of ethidium bromide (EtBr) at 40 ᴼC and decolourisation was rebated. The results showed that the plasmid weight of the bacterial isolates were 1500 bps and their plasmids were not cured until when sodium dodecylsulphate and ethidium bromide were combined. High decolourisation occurred before plasmid curing with the highest value of 96% by Bacillus macerans for vat black 27 dye and vat red dye decolorization activity of Staphylococcus aureus was the lowest at 40%. After plasmid curing, the decolourisation activity of the isolate reduced tremendously to 7% by Klebsiella oxytoca. The result obtained revealed the decolourisation abilities of selected isolates and also showed that decolourisation of vat dye is plasmid-mediated revealing that the gene encoding for dye decolourisation is harbored in the plasmid.

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Predictors of licensure examination for teachers’ performance

Balinario, Jick C., Ofqueria, Mary Grace M., Arca, Lina B.
Corresponding email: [email protected]


The study employed a descriptive correlational research design, in which the graduates’ academic performance and other factors that significantly predicted their LET performance were examined from the Academic Year 2016-2018. Respondents were randomly selected from a list of NONESCOST LET takers requested from the Professional Regulatory Commission, with a total of 175 respondents identified in this study. The data were analyzed using percentages, means, standard deviations, t-tests, Pearson r, and linear regression analysis. The results revealed that LET takers have difficulty passing the specialization areas in the Licensure examination for teachers. BSEd graduates perform better in the three areas of the exam than non-BSEd graduates. High scholastic ratings and passing admission scores have a better performance in the Licensure examination. Likewise, there was a significant difference between the age, mothers’ educational attainment, course, GPA, and admission entrance score, and no significant difference in civil status, father’s educational attainment, and type of school to the LET performance of respondents. There is a significant indirect relationship between the profile of the respondents such as age, course, Entrance Exam, and Grade point average. Lastly, the respondent’s mother’s educational attainment, course, GPA, and entrance examination are significant predictors of LET performance. It is recommended the college will concentrate on the area of specialization in the conduct of review classes and strengthen the college-wide admission and retention policy. Non-education graduates who wish to take education units should be given priority to be admitted to the college’s post-undergraduate program and given enough seminars and review classes.

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