Administrators’ technology leadership: Its influence on teachers’ technology proficiency

Ma. Teresa E. Mendoza1, Glenn Erick B. Catiis2
Taliptip National High School, Philippines
Balagtas National Agricultural High School, Philippines
Corresponding email: [email protected]

The educational system of the world has reached the 21st century. Teachers and principals have to adopt the immense changes brought by technological advancement. Teachers are equipped with 21st-century tools thanks to the administrators’ technological expertise and their own; however, the intensity is only a possibility waiting to become a reality upon integration. At the height of the 2020 educational set-up brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, the skills of positive technology integration for both administrators and teachers are needed to actualize and harmonize their respective areas. On this premise, a descriptive-correlational research design was conducted to assess the influence of administrators’ technological leadership on teachers’ technology proficiency in public high schools in the District of Bulakan and Sta. Maria, Bulacan, Philippines. It administered survey questionnaires to 16 administrators and 285 junior high school teachers during the school year 2020–2021. The data was analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results indicated that administrators possess a high level of technological leadership. This implies that they are ready and have full knowledge and practical know-how on the utilization and application of technology. On the other hand, teachers also possessed a high level of technological proficiency. This indicates that they are adept at utilizing technology to aid in the teaching and learning process. It comes to the conclusion that teachers’ technological aptitude is not much impacted by administrators’ technological leadership. This means that teachers can be more proficient; they upskill themselves since this is the demand of 21st century learning. Recommendation includes the implementation of educational reforms that support the new normal in education through programs that improve the quality of instruction and delivery, particularly during times of emergency or state calamity when classes are suspended or interrupted.

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Iron status of malaria and control subjects attending selected hospitals in Sokoto Metropolis, Nigeria

A.I. Umar, Yusuf Sarkingobir, AI Umar, AM Labbo, M Almustapha, Ummu Tukur
Eastern Visayas State University – Main Campus, Tacloban City, Leyte
Department of Biochemistry, Sokoto State University, Nigeria
Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, Nigeria/ Crown University International Chartered Incorporated/ Shehu Shagari University of Education Sokoto, Nigeria
Department of Medical Laboratory Science, Usman Danfodiyo University Sokoto, Nigeria
Shehu Shagari College of Education Sokoto, Nigeria
Corresponding email: [email protected]

The association of nutritional status and malarial disease is complex with multiple dimensions. Deficiencies in some of these nutritional parameters rethought to lead to malnutrition with subsequent susceptibility to malaria infection. The objective of this study is to determine iron status of malaria and control subjects attending selected hospitals in Sokoto metropolis, Nigeria. Serum iron was measured by the method of Nitro-PAPS. TBC was assessed calorimetrically while Transferrin and UIBC were determining using specific sharing formula. Result of the study observed significant(p<0.005) increased in TIBC level of most male infected individuals compared to female infected whereas a decreased in Transferrin level in about all male infected individuals than in female infected and vice-visa. The serum iron levels are comparatively low due to redistribution of iron from the serum into the tissue storage forms (transferrin). Also, the percentage transferrin is low, perhaps due to the body absorbing more transferrin than needed, inadequate production of transferrin by the liver which is the major site of malaria infection or excess excretion of transferrin in the urine by the kidneys. After a general analysis, the study observed that serum iron, TIBC and transferrin are highly affected by the malaria.

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Characterization of unsold Lechon as raw material for retort product development

Jennilou C. Patindol, Hilaria L. Bustamante, Bernard Niño Q. Membrebe, Mark Rembert M. Patindol, Joann M. Aldaba
Eastern Visayas State University – Main Campus, Tacloban City, Leyte
Corresponding email: [email protected]

Unsold Lechon of producers in Tacloban City reaches up to 200 kilograms, which necessitates a reworking process to prevent wastage, the additional cost of storage, and eventually profit loss. However, its characterization as a raw material needs to be conducted first to understand various properties, which would lead to the establishment of a suitable process and product formulation. The study objectives were to conduct an industry immersion and market assessment and determine the physicochemical, microbial, and organoleptic properties of unsold Lechon. The industry immersion exposed the need for improvement of food safety practices of the food handlers and revealed that the head, ham, butt, and picnic shoulder are the typically unsold parts. In terms of its physicochemical properties, the unsold Lechon is near neutral in pH and had high water activity and moisture content, which indicates susceptibility to microbial proliferation. Varying crude fat and crude protein levels specify that the meat and fat ratio should be included as variables in the product development stage. Meanwhile, the microbial analysis revealed a high microbial load with the possibility of toxin production; time series evaluation identifying sample collection to be before 4:00 pm, and freeze-thaw cycle recommending to store samples at <-18oC for not more than 48 hours. Quantitative Descriptive Analysis (QDA®) showed that pre-treatment of raw materials is not necessary with the identified important sensory descriptors through factor and principal component analysis. Lastly, the market assessment showed that Lechon paksiw is the preferred product to be developed with a market potential of 6.01kgs/household per annum.

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The organizational change process during COVID-19 pandemic in a public university: The case of Kasetsart University, Thailand

Joefrey B. Geroche, Xiangyi Yang
Kasetsart Business School, Thailand
Holy Angel University, China
Corresponding email: [email protected]

This research paper is a qualitative case analysis research that utilizes Kotler’s Eight Processes to accelerate change in accessing the experienced of Kasetsart University in terms of organizational change. The study utilized the empirical data from the KU website, memorandum, and announcement about university operations throughout the widespread COVID-19, and the interview was conducted with two key people knowledgeable in this subject. As an outcome, the study found out that KU experienced a digital organization transformation during COVID-19. Furthermore, the KU established the Strategic Plan of Actions during COVID-19 Temporary Closure: Exit Strategies focused on advancing digital innovation as an organizational development initiative. The lesson from the case study is that KU’s preparedness, comprehensiveness, and cross-sectoral methodology were essential in successfully implementing change. Kotter’s eight-step progression for accelerating the modification model was a valuable means to convey metamorphic modification in implementing digital transformation in the entire KU; thus, it is recommended for future researchers that the study results are the basis of reference in the digital transformation change in higher education. Most importantly, this can be converted in quantitative research wherein one variable construct is digital transformation change.

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Fostering reading level and story comprehension through MARITES (Marungko Approach Reading Intervention to Elementary Schoolers) with mentor-mentee arrangement

Nancy T. Rubin, Arnel S. Travero
Camp Evangelista Elementary School, Philippines
University of Science and Technology of Southern Philippines-Claveria, Philippines
Corresponding email: [email protected]

Developing young learners’ reading level and story comprehension is fundamentally crucial as this will soon have implications as the learners go to higher grade levels. The main aim of the study is to determine how effective Marungko Approach with Mentor-Mentee Arrangement is to the reading level and story comprehension of elementary schoolers. The researchers conducted a pre-reading test among the learners and the alarming result became the basis on the conceptualization of the study. A group volunteers, who were third year Bachelor of Elementary Education (BEED) students, served as mentors to pupils and they were all oriented on how to conduct the Marungko Approach. The mentors met their mentees twice a week, on a 1-hour session. After the 6-week intervention, it was revealed that the learners have an improved reading level and story comprehension. Also, there was a rapport built by both parties. Mentors expressed their gratefulness in their early exposure to the field; while mentees stated that they now learned how to read and expressed their approval to the mentors’ teaching strategies. The study recommends the use of Marungko Approach in teaching reading to elementary schoolers as it fosters learners’ reading level and story comprehension. Moreover, mentoring proves to be of help during online learning. Lastly, it is highly recommended that teacher education institutions (TEIs) may ink agreements with DepEd schools to facilitate partnership and allowing their students to real-world exposure even before their internships.

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The competency level of research students in writing research paper: Basis for recalibrating the research curriculum in the junior high school level

Julie Ann B. Real
Philippine School Doha, Qatar
[email protected]

Writing a research paper is one of the major activities in educational institutions. In order to promote quality, the research writing process should be considered. This study aims to explore the specific research part where the students have difficulty writing the research paper. Identifying the weakest point can lead to the success of the research writing process. This study made an assessment of the competency level of the research students in writing their research paper. It utilized the quantitative descriptive method and followed the purposive sampling technique, wherein the lead researchers and writers were chosen as respondents in the study. Data revealed that females dominated the number of research leaders, and showed that the experimental research design was preferred by the research students. Moreso, it was revealed that students had difficulty in citing related literature and studies; writing the research questions in the Statement of the Problem; interpreting data; and formulating the research title. The recalibration of the research curriculum and integration of research parts with other subjects are recommended.

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Non-specialized general education instructors’ confidence and self-efficacy in teaching general education subjects

Jherwin P. Hermosa, Richard C. Ampo
Laguna State Polytechnic University, Philippines
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

The new General Education Curriculum offers a greater solution to the problems of higher education, particularly in the duplicity of subject areas that could be taken already at the senior high school level. Thus, this study was done to determine the level of confidence and self-efficacy of the non-specialists’ instructors in teaching General education subjects. The descriptive-correlational design with self-constructed questionnaires was employed using 60 respondents. Frequency count, percentage, and mean were used in the descriptive statistical test while Pearson correlation analysis was used to determine the relationship of the main variables. Results revealed that the level of confidence in terms of commitment and personal experience is very high. While the level of self-efficacy in terms of performance outcomes and verbal persuasion is very high. Moreover, it was found that there was a significant relationship between the respondents’ confidence and self-efficacy. It is recommended that instructors may look to incorporate biographical analysis in teaching GEC subjects. Administrators may pioneer a calibration program for non-GE instructors to increase opportunities to improve mastery of materials. Future researchers may use a different variable, larger respondents, and mixed methods to validate or contradict the result of this study.

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Instrumental popular music and students’ reading comprehension: Basis for proposed reading remediation program

Ana Marie C. Diaz, Jasmin S. Villanueva
Department of Education, Philippines
Pampanga State Agricultural University, Philippines
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

The potential of music to aid reading performance has been the subject of research for many years. The present study aimed to investigate the effect of five music genres (Jazz, Pop, RNB, Rap, and Classical) on the reading comprehension of grade 9 junior high school students in the division of Angeles City. In line with this, the study conducted quasi-experimental pretest and posttest for students (N=40) within the span of 2 weeks. The pretest of each genre was taken without playing popular instrumental music in the background while the posttest was taken while the subjects listened to popular instrumental music. Outcomes of the pretest indicate that students reading comprehension scores obtained a mean that ranged from 5.450 to 5.825. These results barely made the cut to the instructional reading comprehension level that, according to the Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (PHIL IRI) scale ranges from 5 to 7 points, in a ten-item test indicating a need for reading remediation. Results of the study showed a highly significant difference between pretest and post-test scores for the genres of Jazz Pop and Classical where all three genres obtained a p-value of 0.000 which was lower than the set alpha of 0.01 level of significance. Hence, a reading remediation program utilizing Jazz, Pop, and Classical music as a reading supplement has the potential to aid struggling readers. Therefore, based on the outcomes of this study, the researcher designed a proposed reading remediation program utilizing the three genres (Jazz, Pop, and Classical).

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Understanding determinants of cloud computing adoption: A review of technology adoption models

Aminu Adamu Ahmed, Alhaji Adamu Saidu
Federal Polytechnic Kaltungo, Gombe, Nigeria,
Abubakar Tatari Ali Polytechnic Bauchi, Nigeria,
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

The adoption and usage of cloud computing have become a competitive weapon for achieving organizational or business sustainability and maintaining a strategic position in a marketplace or in the eyes of its clients, even though it has been facing various impediments as a result of inadequate understanding of appropriate models to be applied and the users’ perception of CCA. Consequently, this study aims to investigate and analyze the current state of the literature on cloud computing adoption (CCA) with various technology adoption models in different areas. However, inappropriate models could not explain the factors determining the adoption determinants and little research attention has been paid to the adoption of cloud computing. For this reason, a systematic literature review (SLR) with a total of 204 and 40 (samples) articles were employed. The four. The findings of the study revealed that the TOE was the most adopted adoption model, followed by the DOI model. This study also identified 23 determinants of CCA that have been extracted from these four models as significant factors determining the adoption of cloud computing. Out of these determinants, security and privacy (SP) were found as the most dominant factors influencing CCA. SME is the major area where CCA has been used, especially from the year 2015 to 2020. There is a need to invest more in ICT in other sectors of the economy.

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Elementary teachers’ experiences and instructional challenges during the return to school after the COVID-19 closure in the Philippines

Potchong M. Jackaria
Teacher-II, Tandubato Primary School, Tawi-Tawi, Philippines
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

As education started to recover from the impact of COVID-19, the Philippine Department of Education began to roll out pilot face-to-face classes. Hence, there is a need to explore teachers’ experiences regarding the preparations and challenges encountered during the reopening of classes after the COVID-19 closures. Specifically, this study explored teachers’ preparation and instructional challenges encountered during the first few weeks of reopening of classes. The study utilized a phenomenological research approach. Seven public elementary school teachers involved in the pilot face-to-face classes were purposively selected for the one-on-one interview. Each interview lasted for about 30-minutes and was tape-recorded. The researcher also conducted classroom visitations to understand better the context of the teachers’ responses. Data were then transcribed, translated, and analysed using a thematic analysis technique. The result shows that five themes emerged pertaining to teachers’ preparation for the reopening of classes. These include establishing health protocols, school physical improvements, instructional materials development, psychosocial preparation, and acquiring new teaching strategies. As for the instructional challenges encountered, the teachers expressed concern about the alarming number of non-readers and students who are mentally and socially unprepared. Other challenges include the difficulty of maintaining health protocols, the need for new teaching strategies, and challenges with time management. The findings suggest that comprehensive reading intervention and psychosocial first aid programs should be part of the school reopening strategy. Furthermore, the researcher recommends that teachers should be trained to handle students during the post-pandemic era.

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