Mathematical realization of diagnosing COVID-19 using Boolean Algebra

Daeuk Kim, Maria Nessie Sobina Chiang Yu, Ryan Rhay Vicerra, Raouf N.G. Naguib, Ronnie Concepcion II
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines/South Korea
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

COVID-19 has caused countless deaths across the globe. In developing countries like the Philippines, limited access to health services like ICU beds and PCR tests contributed more to COVID-19 related deaths. It is for this reason that the researchers developed a simple COVID-19 diagnostic tool using basic logic gates to determine whether one has COVID-19 or other related illnesses like flu, colds, and allergy. The researchers first collected information regarding the common symptoms of COVID-19 and similar diseases. The identified symptoms cough, fever, fatigue, loss of taste, and smell were used as the inputs for the circuit, while CODI-19 and other related diseases served as the output. The classification of symptoms was divided into often, sometimes, rarely, and never. In order to generate binary digits, often and sometimes were considered positive symptoms (1) while rarely and never were considered negative (0). Minterms were determined through the truth table of the conceptualized circuit. Furthermore, these are used to generate the Karnaugh map. Consequently, simplifying the Boolean expression for each output variable. This is a mathematical realization through Boolean algebra. Through the logic circuit created from Boolean expression, the researchers were able to successfully predict the expected disease based on the existence of symptoms. Furthermore, the researchers were able to translate the circuit into its complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) counterpart. While the designed tool is affordable and can be easily implemented, however, it still possesses a limitation as other COVID-19 positive patients are asymptomatic. Furthermore, the diagnostic tool was not tested on real-world data. Hence, the accuracy of the tool is based on theoretical experiments only.

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Relationship of customers’ satisfaction and loyalty on Shariah-compliant hotel in Shah Alam Malaysia

Ahmad Pitra, Ahmad Albattat
Jakarta Global University, Indonesia
Management and Science University, Malaysia
Corresponding email: [email protected]

Along with the development of a business hotel in Malaysia, which makes it an effort to improve customer satisfaction factor. Malaysia is the one of Target Islamic Tourism with total number of visitors are from various countries such as Indonesia, Brunei, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Arab and other Middle Eastern countries. Moreover, it will lead to a new innovation in the hospitality industry in the concept of Shariah-Compliant Hotel (SCH). Malaysia is the one of the largest Muslim population that has a good opportunity for developing new innovative market of Islamic hotel. Shah Alam has two hotels that were implementing Shariah-Compliant Hotel concept (SCH) such as Grand Bluewave hotel & Depalma Ampang hotel. Therefore, this research was used simple random sampling method with a total sample of 207 respondents to be answered 52 statements or questions in the form of surveys. Through this study, we will emphasize on factors that support customer satisfaction such as facilities, restaurants, grooming staff and building design. Overall, all variables, received a better response from respondents, more than four (4, Agree). Therefore, these four variables are crucial to the satisfaction of customers who will maintain service quality that can affect to customer loyalty

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Political awareness and involvement of college of arts and sciences students of Laguna State Polytechnic University

Jherwin P. Hermosa
Laguna State Polytechnic University, Philippines
[email protected]

The study sought to determine the level of Political Awareness and Involvement of College of Arts and Sciences Students of Laguna State Polytechnic University. The quantitative and descriptive-correlational method was employed using a self-made questionnaire with 60 respondents. To determine the relationship of political awareness and involvement of the respondents, Pearson correlation analysis was used. The research revealed that the respondents’ political awareness such as public policies, political leaders, and political issues is high. On the other hand, the respondents’ political involvement pertaining to voting, involvement in public discussions, and political activism are high. It was revealed that the awareness of political leaders is significantly correlated to voting and involvement in public discussion, while the awareness of political issues is significantly related to involvement in voting. While there is no relationship with the remaining variables.

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Assessment and strengthening the internal auditing system in the ministry of culture and fine arts of the royal government of Cambodia

Phin Chamroeun
Royal University of Law and Economics, Cambodia
University of Nantes, France
[email protected]

The study was about assessing the effectiveness of internal audits in the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts in Cambodian. The major objective of the study was to assess the effectiveness of Internal Audit in the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts to identify the relationship between the effectiveness of internal audits and the factors that affect the effectiveness of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts with 96 respondents were selected the study used judgment sampling. The study concludes that despite the fact that the used to assess the effectiveness of internal audit show a high correlation to the effectiveness of the internal audit at the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts is on average effective but the lack of control with auditees because the unit is understaffing and not being fully some risk management of risky internal control and financial, department structure, making position, documentation keeping, Implementation department plan, regular meeting plan, regulation and poverties management risk, that relationship between the effectiveness of Internal Audit and financial performance of the Ministry of Culture and Fine Art’s result indicated that, the internal control system is depending on other factors include the Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts should increase both monetary and non-monetary support to internal audit activities in order for them to handle their activities effectively. Auditors should improve the quality of audit work in order for them to add value to their organizations. Auditors responsible for the Internal Audit Department and auditees should increase for internal audit budget in order to complete their activities as planned.

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Mobile-based PhilNITS reviewer design: Its functionality, reliability, usability and efficiency

Archolito V. Pahuriray, Rolan O. Algara
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
Corresponding email: [email protected]

The examination is used to determine the strengths and limitations of certain individuals. In the fast-growing Information Technology (IT) business, IT workers who have certifications on their resumes are more likely to be employed, earn higher salaries, develop their professions, and have more opportunities for new jobs. As mobile devices have become more essential, the need for new applications that can assist teaching and learn on mobile platforms has grown. In the 21st century, mobile learning has a significant impact on education. Incorporating the most recent development technology in review materials proved to be beneficial especially for examinees. Hence, the researchers were immensely motivated to design a mobile-based PhilNITS reviewer. The development of this application can help students broaden their knowledge and evaluate their readiness to take the examination. The development method was adopted as the research design of the study. The developed mobile application is user-friendly and can be accessed offline. Quality in the use model ISO/IEC 25010:2011 was utilized to establish the five evaluation criteria. Results revealed that the mobile-based PhilNITS reviewer is usable and meets its expected functions in terms of functional suitability, performance efficiency, usability, maintainability, and portability. This application will widen the knowledge and examine the individual skills in the field of information technology, especially in mobile development. For further improvement, the researcher recommends that future studies incorporate a top score module with multiple levels to assess and improve the user’s understanding of different Information Technology terminology.

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Private school teachers’ voice in the Philippines amidst Covid-19 pandemic: A descriptive phenomenological study

Bernardo K. Gumarang Jr.
Isabela State University Cabagan Campus, Philippines
[email protected]

Several studies discovered that private teachers have a higher probability of losing their jobs than public school teachers during the Global Financial Crisis. This appears to be the case in many low- and middle-income countries throughout the current crisis or covid-19 pandemic. This phenomenon is generating a lot of problems, particularly as voiced out by private school teachers in the context of developing countries. This motivates the researcher to investigate and discuss the problems faced by private school teachers in the Philippines in the wake of the Covid-19 crisis. Specifically, the researcher described their motivation factors teaching in the private school and their challenges during a Covid-19 pandemic. The researcher used a descriptive phenomenological research approach and an in-depth interview. Using purposive sampling, seven (7) participants were selected to participate in the study. To preserve the confidentiality of the research participants, ethical measures were also implemented. The responses of the participants were thematically analyzed using Colaizzi’s methods of descriptive phenomenology. Results revealed 3 themes on the motivation factors: Passion in Teaching, Teaching as a Calling and Promotion in Public School and 5 themes related to challenges which include Financial Constraints, Mental Health Issues, Working beyond Contract, Lack of Teaching Resources and Poor Relationship with the School Heads. Indeed, private teachers are also encountering problems that need to be addressed by the national government. As voiced out by the participants they received nothing from the government as compared to the public teachers during the pandemic. This study recommends that the national government must also look at how to help private teachers who are affected by the pandemic, such as financial assistance. Private school institutions may also consider creating policies to address some issues encountered by their employees.

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Correlation between nurses’ self-compassion, mental state and job burnout

Han Lingyu, Ronnell D. Dela Rosa
The First Affiliated Hospital of Henan University, China
Philippine Women’s University, Philippines
Corresponding email:[email protected]

With the development of society, the demands of patients for various nursing services are increasing, and the shortage of nurses does not match, which leads to negative emotions such as anxiety, depression, and job burnout among nurses. This study sought to investigate the status quo of job burnout of clinical first-line nurses and analyzes the relationship between self-compassion, mental state, and job burnout. The study is descriptive and the survey site is in a Chinese hospital. Using the convenience sampling method, 222 clinical nurses in the third-level general hospital of Henan Province were selected as the subjects of this study. The survey was conducted using a general data survey form, Nurse Burnout Scale, Self-Compassion Scale, and Symptom Self-Rating Scale (SCL-90), Data were analyzed using frequency counts, percentages, mean, and Pearson Product Moment Correlation statistics. Based on the findings, The influence model of self-help on SCL-90 and the relationship between emotional exhaustion and personal achievement is the indirect mediation model, while the influence model of self-help on SCL-90 and the relationship of individuation is the complete mediation model. The survey results are intended to provide a theoretical basis for nursing managers to take preventive measures in advance to reduce nurses’ job burnout.

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Emergency remote teaching experience: Challenges, actions and suggested measures of STEM research teachers in Pangasinan Philippines

Mark Angelbert B. Dulay, Shielmyn Kate J. Manuel
Tayug National High School, Pangasinan, Philippines
Daniel Maramaba Memorial National High School, Pangasinan, Philippines
Corresponding email: [email protected]

The Department of Education (DepEd) resorts to using Self-Learning Modules (SLM) with the alternative learning delivery modalities for various types of learners across the Philippines. This sudden change in the methodology of teaching is commonly known as Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT). Emergency Remote Teaching is a shift of delivering lessons due to crisis. This phenomenological qualitative research aims to determine the experiences of STEM Research teachers during Emergency Remote Teaching. On this premise, a phenomenological research design was conducted among the STEM Research teacher of Pangasinan Province, Philippines. The researchers seek information on the difficulties encountered, actions taken, and suggested measures of the STEM research teachers using an interview method. The participants were selected by the researchers via purposive convenience sampling since the study was conducted in the middle of a pandemic. Interview questions were done online and phone calls upon the availability of the respondents. The data were interpreted and analyzed after participants shared their experiences as research teachers at the time of the pandemic. The results reveal the following statements. The student’s struggle of understanding the lesson and delivery of instruction is the main difficulties experienced by the respondent-teachers. This is supported by technical difficulties and struggle in monitoring and evaluation. The actions taken by the teacher-respondents to address this were constant and use of different modes of communication. This includes individual consultation and the use of blended learning. The research teachers suggested measures for the stakeholders are the organization of training and creating unified learning materials. While the teacher-respondents also suggested stakeholders’ investment in scientific research.

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Teachers’ and parents’ support on learners’ academic stress amidst pandemic

Princess Jeah Marie S. Geroso, Rogenel P. Aloba
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
Don Ricardo Jesena Sr. Elementary School, Philippines
Graduate School, Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
Corresponding email: [email protected]

In response to the challenges in education brought about by Covid-19, the Basic Education Learning Continuity Plan (BE-LCP) exposes the learners to different learning modalities, one of which is the printed modular distance learning. Modular printed distance learning adds to learners’ workload and deprives them of good learning environments and some students are having trouble adjusting to the new learning style. Notably, if this situation is assumed, negative outcomes such as anxiety, concern, despair, discomfort, and trauma would be experienced as a result of distance learning stress. The purpose of this study is to determine the level of academic stress and the extent of teachers’ and parents’ support to learners amidst pandemic and is significant difference exists between the level of learners’ academic stress and the extent of support given by their parents and teachers. This study employed a quantitative research design utilizing descriptive and correlational approaches. Cluster sampling was used to determine the sample size which resulted in 356 learners. Findings revealed that learners experienced academic stress, but they felt the support of their parents and teachers. A significant correlation between the learners’ academic stress and teachers’ and parents’ support exists. This study concluded then that learning and studying at home amidst pandemics created stress and disturbances to the learners’ cognitive and emotional well-being. The parents’ and teachers’ support to the children’s academic stress was evident. The extent of teachers’ and parents’ support alleviated the learners’ academic stress. Learners were not ready for independent learning for they needed the scaffold and guidance of their teachers and parents.

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Seismic vulnerability assessment of Sta. Lucia high school in Pasig City Philippines using rapid visual assessment and fragility curves

Michael B. Baylon, Crispin S. Lictaoa, Independence Jcan C. Castillo, Chariz Kate P. Dungog, Leny Rose Jerusalem
Polytechnic University of the Philippines
Adamson University, Philippines
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

The Philippines being part of the pacific ring of fire, faces huge threats of massive damage to infrastructures after extensive earthquakes. One of the most vulnerable infrastructures is public school buildings, which are considered significant structures since they have both emergency and educational function value to the society. Sta. Lucia High School in Pasig, located near the West Valley Fault, will be the focus of this paper. The main objectives of this research are to implement rapid visual assessment using Safer Communities through Safer Schools (SCOSSO) application and to generate the seismic fragility curve of the building based on the Capacity-Spectrum Method. The researchers conducted a rapid but thorough assessment of the BCE II building by following the guidelines of the SCOSSO application. The building had an estimated seismic vulnerability of 66%, thus needing further comprehensive assessment. For the generation of fragility curves, the structural plan of the building was modeled in SAP2000 and subjected to 20 ground motion data. The results from the capacity spectrum method were then used for the seismic fragility curves. The structure was found to attain its completely damaged state at a PGA of 0.352g or greater, with a probability exceedance of 10% which takes place at the weaker axis of the building in the north-south direction of the earthquake along the x-axis. The fragility curves have shown that the stronger the peak ground acceleration, the higher the chance of the building to collapse.

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