Methyl orange: A brief note on its structural changes

Daisuke Noguchi
[email protected]


Methyl orange (p-Me2NC6H4N=NC6H4SO3Na; MO) is one of commonly used azo dyes known as an acid-base indicator, along with phenolphthalein. The chemical structural changes of MO with respect to its acid-base equilibrium in aqueous solutions have been learnt in chemical education. The reaction equations vary among analytical chemistry textbooks. Thus, details on the structures of MO are overviewed from historical perspectives for teaching materials in chemistry. Since protonation of MO potentially occurs not only at the azo group (–N=N–) but also at the dimethylamino group (Me2N–), two different chemical species can be considered; i.e., azonium (–N=NH+–) and ammonium (Me2NH+–). In fact, these tautomers of the two protonated MO species exist, and their equilibrium constants have been reported previously. However, ammonium species has not been presented as protonated MO in most textbooks. Misunderstandingly, another confusion concerning the ‘resonance’ between ammonium and quinonediiminium (p-Me2N+=C6H4=N–NHC6H4SO3–) of MO is also presented; exactly, there should be among azonium and quiononediiminium. In order to avoid misconceptions about the chemical structures of MO, these cases should be introduced to chemical educators and learners.

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The effect of employee green involvement, green motivation, and green behavior on green business performance in textile companies in Indonesia

Muhammad Prastyo Susanto, Asep Rokhyadi Permana Saputra, Achmad Farid Firsalam, Aminah Nur Rahmah
Corresponding email: [email protected]


Green behavior is a behavior and effort to save the earth and the environment from the threat of damage. This effort is a concrete manifestation and responsibility that the company must also be aware of, as a positive contribution of the company and its employees to sustainable development. The concept of green behavior involves the involvement of environmentally friendly employees and environmentally friendly motivation to form environmentally friendly behavior to achieve environmentally friendly business performance. This research aims to analyze the influence of Employee Green Involvement, Green Motivation, and Green Behavior on Green Business Performance in the textile industry in Indonesia. To achieve the objectives of this research, a research method was carried out using an inferential analysis approach, with a sample of 378 respondents using a random sampling method, cluster sampling technique, and sampling using Google Form. Questionnaires are measured using a 5-point likert scale. The analysis tool, inner model uses convergent and discriminant validity tests. Outer model with reliability tests using Cronbah’s Alpha and Composite Reliability, and goodness-offit to see the fit of the model, all using structural equation models (SEM) with SmartPLS version 4. The research results show that Employee Green Involvement has no effect on Green Business Performance, while Green Motivation and Green Behavior have a positive effect on Green Business Performance.

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Mobile applications as aids for solving systems of linear equations with two variables using the graphical method

Senad Orhani, Besim Çeko
Corresponding email: [email protected]


This study investigated the role of mobile applications as aids in solving systems of linear equations with two variables through the graphical method. The use of mobile applications was examined in a group of primary and lower school students to evaluate their effectiveness in learning mathematics and improving their skills in solving systems of linear equations. The main goal of this scientific paper is to investigate and evaluate the role of mobile applications as aids in solving systems of linear equations, involving students in the research process. The research method included a mixed-methods design including quantitative analysis of mobile application results and qualitative analysis of students’ experiences and opinions. Data collection was conducted through individual interviews and classroom observations. The results show that the use of these technological tools has a positive impact on the involvement of students, increasing the interest and efficiency of learning. The findings also highlight challenges and suggestions for improving the use of mobile applications in the mathematics teaching context. This study contributes to the understanding of the use of mobile technology for the development of mathematical skills at the lower secondary school level.

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Augmented reality as an educational tool in higher education: A literature survey

Konstantinos-Iraklis Kokkinidis, Maria-Theodora Folina
Corresponding email: [email protected]


Augmented Reality (AR) represents a promising technological advancement that this paper explores as a potential new educational tool. The integration of augmented reality applications into mobile devices facilitates interactive learning experiences for users. This integration transforms traditional printed educational materials into dynamic, interactive resources, aiming to enhance learner engagement, motivation, and overall educational outcomes. However, comprehending research trends and decision-making in this rapidly evolving field presents significant challenges. To address these challenges, this paper employs Bibliometrics, a method involving statistical and quantitative analysis of publications. Although augmented reality holds significant potential for higher education, limited studies have focused on its application, and scant attention has been given to bibliometric visualization. To bridge this gap, the paper utilizes VOSViewer, a bibliometric visualization software incorporating advanced machine learning techniques. The objective is to delineate the evolving landscape of augmented reality research from 2002 to the present and identify key research categories. Following an overview of the software’s functionality, artificial intelligence, and machine learning concepts, the study progresses to its practical stage. The research involves the retrieval of publications related to augmented reality from the Scopus bibliographic database, resulting in the identification of 730 relevant publications. After their retrieval, the paper conducts a comprehensive statistical analysis and employs VOSViewer for further processing. The culmination of the study involves the construction of bibliometric maps, visualizing keywords and terms extracted from the titles and abstracts of international scientific journal publications. The analysis of these maps yields valuable insights, observations, and conclusions, contributing to a better understanding of the current state and trends within the augmented reality research landscape. This approach facilitates informed decision-making and provides a foundation for future developments in the educational sector leveraging augmented reality technology conclusions.

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Growth, survival, and physical qualities of Mangrove Crab (Scylla olivacea) in a net cage with different size and embedding depth

Zaldy O. Dequito
[email protected]


This experiment was done to see the results of rearing Scylla olivacea crabs in cages of different size and embedding depth. The variables under considerations in the assessment were growth and survival rates and physical qualities of the experimental crabs. Additionally, this research aims to find out if the tested methods of confinement could produce better than the conventional culture practices. Three sizes of experimental cages such (45cm-l X45cm-w X60cm-h), (61.0cm-l X61.0 cm-w X75cm-h), and (76cm-l X76cm-w X90cm-h) and three embedding depths such as (30 cm), (45 cm), and (60 cm) labelled as treatment 1, treatment 2 and treatment 3 were tested. On the basis of cage size, highest mean on growth and survival rates of 279 grams and 88.90 % were obtained in treatment 3 followed by treatment 2 with 274.20 grams and 86.40 % and lowest mean of 269.31 grams and 82.25% was obtained from treatment 1. When assessed based on embedding depth highest growth and survival rates of 276.31 and 88.99% were obtained from treatment 3 followed by treatment 2 with 273.81 grams and 87.40% and treatment 1 with 272.71 grams and 81.25% being the lowest. Findings revealed that growth and survival rates obtained from three different cage sizes and three different embedding depths tested were relatively higher than that of what had been recorded and published. It was further noted that survival rates obtained were within the range (80-100%) considered as ideal. Growth and survival rates attained by different treatments were not significantly different. There were also no interaction effects attributed by size and embedding depth of experimental cages. Physical attributes of harvested mangrove crabs that were assessed based on the completeness of appendages, meat content, meat color, odor and taste were all at the mean value described as excellent. It is concluded that the methods of rearing tested improves growth, survival rates and mud crab physical qualities.

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The relevance of science and technology research in community development: A case study of C. K. Tedam University of Technology and Applied Sciences

Belinda Seyram Berdie, Nasir Koranteng Asiedu, Elliot Akuna, Bernard Kissi Abrokwah, Vincent Anum Ankamah-Lomotey
Corresponding email: [email protected]


This study explored the lived experiences of second-career teachers in relation to their new professional roles and responsibilities in the public secondary schools. Using a qualitative methodology, specifically the phenomenological approach, the data were gathered from 10 participants through an in-depth interview. The participants were purposively selected with the inclusion criteria that the participants must be regularpermanent teachers, have taught in the division for at least two years, previously undertaken a degree in a field outside of education, and employed in a profession unrelated to education. The data were recorded, transcribed, validated, and analyzed using Creswell’s method of analyzing lived experiences. This data revealed four themes, namely: (1.) impetus for career shift, (2.) the hurdles of teaching, (3.) overcoming public school realities, and (4.) the gift of public school teaching. The impetus for career shift includes two subthemes namely: (a.) influence of significant others and (b.) the lure of better pay and privileges. The theme hurdles of teaching include four subthemes namely: (a.) struggling with the basics, (b.) dealing with changing behavior in changing times, (c.) the dearth of learning support in the public school and (d.) overwhelming clerical work. Overcoming public school realities include three subthemes: (a.) gaining wisdom from the older one, (b.) shelling-out of personal resources, and (c.) tapping first career experience. Lastly, the gift of public school teaching is a theme that describes the satisfaction and fulfillment of second-career teachers in public school teaching. Recommendations point to the need of implementing policies and practices and providing support for second career teachers’ professional development.

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Regenesis and revelation of the novel profession: Lived experiences of second-career teachers

Jewel A. Oliveros, Ramon Clemente Martin F. Lachica
Corresponding email: [email protected]


This study explored the lived experiences of second-career teachers in relation to their new professional roles and responsibilities in the public secondary schools. Using a qualitative methodology, specifically the phenomenological approach, the data were gathered from 10 participants through an in-depth interview. The participants were purposively selected with the inclusion criteria that the participants must be regularpermanent teachers, have taught in the division for at least two years, previously undertaken a degree in a field outside of education, and employed in a profession unrelated to education. The data were recorded, transcribed, validated, and analyzed using Creswell’s method of analyzing lived experiences. This data revealed four themes, namely: (1.) impetus for career shift, (2.) the hurdles of teaching, (3.) overcoming public school realities, and (4.) the gift of public school teaching. The impetus for career shift includes two subthemes namely: (a.) influence of significant others and (b.) the lure of better pay and privileges. The theme hurdles of teaching include four subthemes namely: (a.) struggling with the basics, (b.) dealing with changing behavior in changing times, (c.) the dearth of learning support in the public school and (d.) overwhelming clerical work. Overcoming public school realities include three subthemes: (a.) gaining wisdom from the older one, (b.) shelling-out of personal resources, and (c.) tapping first career experience. Lastly, the gift of public school teaching is a theme that describes the satisfaction and fulfillment of second-career teachers in public school teaching. Recommendations point to the need of implementing policies and practices and providing support for second career teachers’ professional development.

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Enhancing peanut plant growth with bio-enzymes derived from kitchen wastes

Moe Moe Tun, Lai Lai Aung, Saw Sandar Maw
Corresponding email: [email protected]


Solid wastes such as municipal wastes and agricultural wastes can pollute our environment if they are not disposed properly. In contrast, under manipulation, they can be changed into valuable products such as bio-enzymes and bio fuel. Bio-enzymes derived from kitchen wastes and agricultural wastes are cost effective and can be utilized in industry and agriculture with cutting in cost. This research is carried out to provide information about the cost-effective bio-enzymes with emphasis on their effect on germination and growth of seedlings of peanut (Arachis hypogea L. subsp. fastigiata). For bio-enzyme production, kitchen wastes such as onion-peels, cruciferous and citric fruits were used as solid substrate. Fermentation method was solid state fermentation with and without isolated microbes. The fermented formulation was that the mixture of three substrates at a weight/weight/weight ratio of 1:1:1 was placed into four airtight plastic containers containing the mixture of molasses and water at a volume/volume ratio of 1:10. Isolated bacteria, P1, P2 and P105 were introduced into three formulated mixtures, BE2, BE3, and BE4, respectively. All of them were fermented at 25℃ – 30℃ for three months. From this research, different hydrolytic activities of these four formulated bio-enzymes were investigated and their concentration being likely to impact on the germination and growth of peanut were examined in comparison to Hydro treatment used as negative control. Among BE1, BE2, BE3, BE4 and Hydro treatments, BE3 treatment at 1:200 dilution significantly showed the most effective activity on germination index, vigor index, branches per plant and pods per plant with 6.31 ± 0.29, 44.9 ± 23.63, 6.85 ± 0.15 branches per plant and 28.98 ± 0.07 pods per plant, respectively. This research shed light on the effect of bio-enzymes on peanut plant cultivation, particularly BE3, and it may become a potential for smallholder farmers.

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Impact of dehydration on the performance of cricket athletes in Sri Lanka: A systematic review

AKDK Chathurangi
[email protected]


Cricket is a sport highly sensitive to natural weather conditions such as temperature, rainfall, and sunlight. In regions with hot and humid climates, like Sri Lanka, cricket players often encounter significant physiological challenges, resulting in substantial fluid loss and dehydration. This dehydration can have direct or indirect consequences on their precision and tactical performance during matches. This study primarily aimed to explore the broader implications of various environmental factors on the dehydration levels of cricket players and how this condition influences their motor and skill performance. The research findings revealed a noteworthy negative impact of excessive hydration on the physiological, motor, and skill performance of cricket athletes, particularly in the context of hot and humid conditions, as frequently experienced in Sri Lanka. Understanding these effects is crucial for cricket players and their support teams to develop tailored strategies that optimize hydration, mitigate performance decline, and enhance overall gameplay in challenging environmental conditions.

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Family engagement: Partnering with families towards agricultural promotion and environmental protection

Arman S. Martorillas, Samson M. Lausa, Aireen Jane L. Martorillas
Corresponding email: [email protected]


Agriculture plays a significant role in food security and economic development while environmental education puts an emphasis on ensuring a healthier place to live with. This study seeks to determine the family’s engagement in agricultural promotion and environmental protection in one Sitio of Sagay City, Negros Occidental. A quantitativedescriptive method utilizing survey questionnaire was administered to 51 families during the last semester of 2021-2022. The families are moderately promoting agriculture while well-engaged in environmental protection. No significant difference exists in promoting agriculture as to profile except for the educational attainment of the mother and the father. The participants’ profile does not influence the family’s engagement in environmental protection. Results disclosed that families vary in their engagement in promoting agriculture and environmental protection. A comprehensive sectoral partnership plan and program may be implemented for sustainable engagement improving societal outcomes and achieving sustainable development goal/s.

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