Volume 2 | No. 1 | April 2022 Issue

April 27, 2022

Mathematical realization of diagnosing COVID-19 using Boolean Algebra on an array of colds-related symptoms
Daeuk Kim, Maria Nessie Sobina Chiang Yu, Ryan Rhay Vicerra, Raouf N.G. Naguib, Ronnie Concepcion II
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines/South Korea
De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
Liverpool Hope University, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Full Paper PDF Abstract 1-14

Working to leave or living to work?: Employees’ quality work life factors and its impact on turnover intention
Leonilo M. Cruz, Bea Teresa S. Sengco, Nuquie P. Gadin
Dr. Carlos S. Lanting College, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 15-25

Differentiated instruction to develop Al-Azhar students’ writing fluency
Abdelkareem Ali Abdelnaeim Mehany
Sohag University, Egypt

Full Paper PDF Abstract 26-38

Impact of antimicrobial stewardship program on antibiotic resistance and length of hospital stay of patients at Bicol regional training and teaching hospital: A retrospective descriptive study
Paulo Martin B. Villanueva, John Bryle J. Zapanta
Polytechnic State University of Bicol/Manila Doctors College of Nursing, Philippines
Bicol Regional Training and Teaching Hospital, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 39-49

Protective face covering: An application of MobileNetV2 detector
MN Musa, NO Badmos, IR Saidu, U Abdulrazaq
Nigerian Defence Academy, Kaduna Nigeria

Full Paper PDF Abstract 50-62

Immediate supervisor’s satisfaction on teaching competence of teachers product by one state college in Western Visayas Philippines
Soceline N. Batisla-ong
Iloilo State College of Fisheries-Dingle Campus, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 63-74

Remediating misconceptions related to particulate nature of matter using video animation: An action research
Yonten Chophel
Daga Central School, Dagana, Bhutan 

Full Paper PDF Abstract 75-87

Heuristic approach with teacher-made worksheets in general biology 2: A classroom innovation in distance learning
Abraham D. Cacay
San Felipe High School, San Manuel, Tarlac, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 88-99

Public awareness of forensic science: A cross sectional study in Lebanon
Paula Romanos
Independent researcher, Beirut, Lebanon

Full Paper PDF Abstract 100-109

Academic dishonesty cheating in synchronous and asynchronous classes: A proctored examination intervention
Homer T. Alvarez, Reynald S. Dayrit, Maria Crisella A. Dela Cruz, Clariza C. Jocson, Renzo T. Mendoza, Ariel V. Reyes, Joyce Niña N. Salas
Pampanga State Agricultural University 

Full Paper PDF Abstract 110-122

A review on data center monitoring system using smart sensor network
G.M. Sharif Ullah Al-Mamun, Firuz Kabir, Fahima Nazeen, Jarin Sobah
Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), Bangladesh

Full Paper PDF Abstract 123-130

Effect of study habits counselling on senior students’ achievement in English language
Dekera G. Atim, Comfort M. Maor, Rejoice Atim, Nancy N. Igyu
Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria,
Government Model College, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.
Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria.

Full Paper PDF Abstract 131-142

American films as an educational tool for character development of teenagers
Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia

Full Paper PDF Abstract 143-151

Development and validation of multimedia-based instructional module in Science 7
Christian R. Basilio, Eivan Mark S. Sigua
Tinajero National High School Annex-Department of Education, Philippines
College of Education-Pampanga State Agricultural University, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 152-162

COVID-19 mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine safety and antibodies level among healthcare workers at Centre Hospitalier du Nord
Rosabelle Chedid, Salam El Samad, Josmar Yammine, Nisrine Chami, Mira Daher
Université Antonine (UA), Baabda, Lebanon
Centre Hopistalier du Nord (CHN), Zgharta, Lebanon
Mira Diet Clinic, Ein Remmane, Lebanon

Full Paper PDF Abstract 163-177

Sugarcane growth through fermented bamboo shoot application 
Roniel A. Ardeña, Nyle A. Pardillo, Justine V. Gemida
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
Sugar Regulatory Administration, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 178-184

Mobile language learning apps during COVID-19 pandemic: A literature review based study 
Rustam Haidov, Emrah Soykan
Near East University, English Language Education, Cyprus/ New Jersey, USA
Near East University, Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Cyprus

Full Paper PDF Abstract 185-195

Proficiency and attitude of criminology students in Trigonometry in select Philippine higher education institution
Ritchie F. Balandra
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines

Full Paper PDF Abstract 196-207

Efficacy of fermented cassava pulp with chicken manure on nutrients digestibility, haematological parameters, and growth performance of barrow pigs
Simon Anthony Kayombo, Pattaraporn Poommarin, Panida Duangkaew
Wanging’ombe District Council, Njombe, Tanzania
Silpakorn University, Phetchaburi Province, Thailand

Full Paper PDF Abstract 208-216

Physical facilities on students’ participation in science and technology programmes in public universities in Kenya
Bernard Wasilwa Wanyama
Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya

Full Paper PDF Abstract 217-231

Physical facilities on students’ participation in science and technology programmes in public universities in Kenya

Bernard Wasilwa Wanyama
Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

Despite the government commitment to the implementation of admission policies like targeting enrolment of 50% of all students in science and technology related courses through placement of students into these programmes and significantly expanding them, only 29% of students were studying a course in Science and Technology by the year 2016. Such scenario implies that the country is seriously lagging behind in the realization of Kenya Education Sector Support Programme (KESSP I) participation target of 50%. The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of physical facilities on students’ participation in these Programmes. The study employed descriptive survey design. Purposive sampling and simple random techniques were employed to select respondents. Questionnaires, interview schedules and structured observation schedules were utilized to collect data. Qualitative data was analysed thematically and reported in form of tables, quotations and narrations while quantitative data was analysed by use of frequencies, percentages, means, pie charts and bar graphs. It was established that inadequacy of physical facilities stood at 74%. The study concludes that Universities were experiencing acute shortage of facilities to the extent that they had not reached the minimum acceptable level. Practical elements in curriculum were extremely undermined and the curriculum was highly deficient, out-dated and irrelevant with little coordination between its designs and industries. Students were majorly grounded in theory at the expense of practical industrial training and transmission pedagogy dominated lecture halls, making learning largely passive. It recommends that Universities should formulate, adopt and implement University Industry Partnership and Placement (UIPP) policy to recognize the Universities’ science and technology study programmes as part of the industry chains.

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Efficacy of fermented cassava pulp with chicken manure on nutrients digestibility, haematological parameters, and growth performance of barrow pigs

Simon Anthony Kayombo, Pattaraporn Poommarin, Panida Duangkaew
Wanging’ombe District Council, Njombe, Tanzania
Silpakorn University, Phetchaburi Province, Thailand
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

Cassava pulp is a by-product from the starch industry which was used as cheap alternative livestock feed. However, it has a limitation of low protein and high fibre to use in monogastric animals. Nutrient improvement of cassava pulp usually employs the use of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer. Here we demonstrated the use of chicken manure as an organic nitrogen source in compensation for the inorganic nitrogen. This research aimed to investigate the efficacy of cassava pulp fermented by dried chicken manure with yeast (CPCM) in a maize-soybean-based diets of pigs on nutrients digestibility, haematological parameters, and growth performance of barrow pigs as alternative energy feed. The results showed that the CPCM had crude protein increase from 1.99% of the plain cassava pulp to 8.54% (p < 0.05), while the crude fibre of CPCM decreased from 15.63 to 13.85%. Investigation of the diets containing CPCM as a replacement of maize at 4 levels (0%, 5%, 10%, and 15%) in twenty-four castrated male pigs (57.13 ± 3.29 kgs initial bodyweight) revealed that the control diet (0%CPCM) had the greatest digestibility percentages in all categories including dry matter, crude protein, crude fibre, gross energy, and total phosphorus (p < 0.05). Among CPCM replacement diets, the 15%CPCM generally verified a greater digestibility. The results of the feeding trial showed that there was no significant difference (p > 0.05) in feed intake, weight gain, feed conversion ratio, and haematological parameters among the four treatment diets. The haematological results showed that all parameters fall under the normal ranges of haematological pigs’ references. In conclusion, the results confirmed that CPCM can be used in the replacement of up to 15% in maize-soybean pig diets without any harmful effects.

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Proficiency and attitude of criminology students in Trigonometry in select Philippine higher education institution

Ritchie F. Balandra
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
Corresponding Email:  [email protected]

The study aimed to determine the relationship between the attitude and level of proficiency in Trigonometry among criminology students in select Higher Education Institution (HEI) in the Philippines. Descriptive-correlational design was used in this study. The modified Sherman-Fennema Attitude Scale was used to determine the attitude of the respondents while mean, t-test and analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the level of proficiency in Trigonometry. Findings revealed that the level of proficiency of the criminology students when taken as a whole and grouped according to sex and type of school graduated from high school is High. Interestingly, when they are grouped according to their achievement status, it shows that respondents who are achievers were Very High proficiency, while the average and low achievers is in High and Low respectively. Moreover, criminology students had a Moderate positive attitude towards Trigonometry. Furthermore, there was no significant differences in the level of proficiency in Trigonometry of the criminology students when grouped according to sex and type of school graduated. However, differences were noted when they are grouped according to their status of achievement. Considering their attitudes, no significant differences were also noted when criminology students were grouped according to sex, type of school graduated during high school and status of achievement.

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Mobile language learning apps during COVID-19 pandemic: A literature review based study 

Rustam Haidov, Emrah Soykan
Near East University, English Language Education, Cyprus/ New Jersey, USA
Near East University, Computer Education and Instructional Technology, Cyprus
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

The entire world has come under the influence of a novel pandemic crisis, COVID-19, which has affected the human lives at a large scale. Educational setup and the whole realm of learning also have also suffered a lot worldwide and a major change in the mode of learning has been seen in response to the major crisis. Virtual learning has come in power, which takes into account the crucial role of language-learning mobile applications. Language learning mobile applications has served a large population in the current crisis with their learning benefits. A wide range of language learning mobile apps is available in the app stores, which are being downloaded by incalculable number of language learning aspirants on daily basis. These apps have a remarkably positive influence on the foreign language learners regarding the ease of providing a self-paced learning opportunity along with uplifting the motivational level of language learners. The role of mobile language learning apps and their potential advantageous impact has been discussed, which especially proves significant during the COVID-19 crisis where life is going through various restrictive measures. No matter, the importance of face-to-face language instructions and practice involving direct feedback cannot be overlooked but the virtual or distant language learning via mobile apps bring remarkable progress among the foreign language learners, especially during the adverse crisis, COVID-19, the phenomenon of learning foreign languages via mobile apps is absolutely worthwhile.

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Sugarcane growth through fermented bamboo shoot application 

Roniel A. Ardeña, Nyle A. Pardillo, Justine V. Gemida
Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, Philippines
Sugar Regulatory Administration, Philippines
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

This study was conducted to determine the growth of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) as affected by fermented bamboo shoot application in terms of plant height, number and diameter of nodes, number of leaves, and average number of tillers. Study results would help farmers to find an alternative source in growth promotant hormone that could find in fermented bamboo shoot (FBS) that is locally available compared to synthetic cytokinin. There were four treatments used: t1- 2 ml synthetic cytokinin/L of water (control); t2- 2 ml of FBS/L of water; t3- 7 ml of FBS/L of water, t4- 12 ml of FBS/L of water. These treatments were arranged in Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and were replicated four times. The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used as a statistical tool of the study and comparison among means using Honest Tukeys Significant difference at 5% level of significance. Sugarcane plants applied with 7 ml bamboo shoot concoctions has highest mean in plant height and number of leaves which is significantly higher than synthetic cytokinin and 2 ml concoction. On the other hand, application of 12 ml concoction got the highest mean in number of nodes and nodes diameter which is statistically higher than synthetic cytokinin and 2 ml concoction but comparable to 7 ml concoction. Based on results, FBS is better source of cytokinin and could be an alternative of using synthetic cytokinin. Results also revealed that using 7 ml and 12 ml concoctions performs better in all agronomic parameters. It is recommended to use FBS as a replacement of using the synthetic cytokinin at the levels of 7 ml and 12 ml concoctions per litre of water. Further study on the effect of FBS must be conducted to determine significance in tiller production of sugarcane. Further research study for the FBS to be analyzed for cytokinin content and will be used as fertilizer to other crops and vegetables are recommended to truly validate the results.

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COVID-19 mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine safety and antibodies level among healthcare workers at Centre Hospitalier du Nord

Rosabelle Chedid, Salam El Samad, Josmar Yammine, Nisrine Chami, Mira Daher
Université Antonine (UA), Baabda, Lebanon
Centre Hopistalier du Nord (CHN), Zgharta, Lebanon
Mira Diet Clinic, Ein Remmane, Lebanon

Studying the levels of the anti-spike protein receptor-binding domain (S-RBD) antibodies as well as the vaccine safety is very important to evaluate the protection level against the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV2) infection and to motivate individuals to receive the vaccine. In this study, we evaluate the effect of the mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine using the EUROIMMUN anti-SARS-CoV-2 ELISA (IgG) for the measurement. We detected the IgG class antibodies to SARS-CoV-2 in the human serum, or plasma, of 217 eligible participants aged >18 years, recruited between March and June 2021. These participants were divided into 2 groups: the first group consisted of 149 participants without prior infection, while the second group included 68 participants who had recovered from symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19 infections. All the adverse effects were minor local or systematic reactions such as local pain, asthenia, body ache, muscle pain and headache. The level of the adverse effects increased following the second vaccine dose. The adverse effects were higher in participants with previous symptomatic SARS-CoV2 infection (p=0.020). This was due to the presence of anti-S-RBD IgG levels before the vaccination. Moreover, the adverse effects were higher in females than males after the first dose (p=0.025) and the second dose (p=0.01). As for the anti-S-RBD IgG levels, they were all positive at the end of the second dose. The anti-S-RBD IgG levels 21 days after the vaccination dose were higher than the pre-vaccination levels (p=0.000) and they were higher in previously infected participants before getting the first dose (p=0.000). Our results show a good antibody response at the end of the two mRNA BNT162b2 vaccine doses in both previously infected and not infected participants. Moreover, our study highlighted the minor adverse effects reported following each dose.

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Development and validation of multimedia-based instructional module in Science 7

Christian R. Basilio, Eivan Mark S. Sigua
Tinajero National High School Annex-Department of Education, Philippines
College of Education-Pampanga State Agricultural University, Philippines
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

This study aimed to develop and validate a multimedia-based instructional module in Science 7. This was initiated as a response to the poor performance of Filipino learners on international and national standard assessments in Science. A descriptive approach of research was utilized in developing and validating the module. Each lesson in the module consisted of the following parts: learning objectives, pretest, discussion of the topic, activities, posttest, and references. The development of the module underwent four phases: planning, content validation and analysis, designing, and development. The Lawshe’s content validity formula was used in determining the essential learning competencies that were included in the module. A validation tool was used by ten experts in validating the content, design/format, technical/technological, and pedagogical aspect of the module. Results of the study showed that all of the validators agreed that the developed multimedia-based instructional module in Science 7 met all the criteria found in each parameter on the validation tool. Therefore, it was concluded that the developed multimedia-based instructional module can be used as instructional material by Science 7 learners.

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American films as an educational tool for character development of teenagers

Universitas Prima Indonesia, Indonesia
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

American superhero-themed films can represent good characteristics and they could be a good way of developing one’s characteristics. By utilizing American animation, superhero and fantasy films as the main data such as Fantastic 4 (2005), Fantastic 4: Rise of Silver Surfer (2007), Frozen (2013), Black Panther (2018), Frozen II (2019), and Aladdin (2019), this qualitative research focuses on the significance of character development and the representations of good characteristics depicted in the films which can be used as a tool for character education. The process of analysis involved the use of Stuart Hall’s representation theory. The results of study suggested that character is something that is essential to develop, especially in teenagers and it is not only about having a good attitude, but it also involves living a good life. In addition, this study showed that at least five good characteristics such as caring, tolerance, politeness, solidarity and kindness frequently appeared in the observed films which can be used as media for teaching about characters at schools or informal educational institutions.

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Effect of study habits counselling on senior students’ achievement in English language

Dekera G. Atim, Comfort M. Maor, Rejoice Atim, Nancy N. Igyu
Federal University of Agriculture, Makurdi, Nigeria,
Government Model College, Makurdi, Benue State, Nigeria.
Benue State University Makurdi, Nigeria.
Corresponding Email: [email protected]

This study investigated the effect of study habits counselling on the academic achievement of senior secondary school students achievement in English language in North-west, Benue State, Nigeria. The study adopted a Quasi-experimental design. The population of the study was five thousand, three hundred and twenty nine SS2 students (5,329) of public schools. The sample size for the study was 100 senior secondary school 2 students drawn from intact class of a public school through multi stage sampling technique. Two instruments were used for the collection of data, English Achievement Test (EAT) and Study Habits Counselling Questionnaire (SHCQ). The reliability of the research instruments was established using Lemma co-efficient Alpha. Data was collected and analyzed using mean and standard deviation to answer research questions and Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) to test the hypotheses. Findings revealed that study habits counselling has significant effect on the academic achievement of secondary school students in English. Study habits counselling has no statistical significant difference in the mean score of male and female students. The study concludes that study habits counselling has effect on the academic achievement of students in English, however, there is no significant difference between male and female. Thus, group guidance should be organized in schools to create awareness on effective study habits. A functional school library should be mounted. Parents and guardians should encourage their children to set up schedules for study. Qualified English teachers should be employed in all secondary schools. Guidance counsellors should include study habits counselling as part of new students’ orientation to facilitate effective study habits among new students.

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